As heard at the 2014 Canada Prizes awards ceremony

10 juin 2014

The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences announced the winners of the 2014 Canada Prizes on April 30. The Canada Prizes are awarded annually to the best scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences that have received funding from the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program.

During the awards ceremony on Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at York University’s Glendon College in Toronto, each of the winners was interviewed about their celebrated work. Be sure to listen to their interviews now!

Canada Prize in the Humanities

Sandra Djwa, for Journey With No Maps: A Life of P.K. Page (McGill-Queen's University Press)

Click here to listen to the interview with Sandra Djwa.

Canada Prize in the Social Sciences

David E. Smith, for Across the Aisle: Opposition in Canadian Politics (University of Toronto Press)

Click here to listen to the interview with David E. Smith.

Prix du Canada en sciences humaines

Pierre Anctil, for Jacob-Isaac Segal, 1896-1954 : Un poète yiddish de Montréal et son milieu (Presses de l'Université Laval)

Click here to listen to the interview with Pierre Anctil.

Prix du Canada en sciences sociales

Hugues Théorêt, for Les chemises bleues : Adrien Arcand, journaliste antisémite canadien-français (Éditions du Septentrion)

Click here to listen to the interview with Hugues Théorêt.

Biographies of the 2014 winners, along with the full jury citations, are available on the Federation’s website at