How we're spending our weekend - Fedcan takes on some big questions

25 mars 2011

Ryan Saxby Hill

Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

This is a big week for the Federation. It all started with the Federation's executive committee last night, continues with a meeting of the board of directors today and culminates in our first annual conference over the weekend. The Federation's board will be dealing with all of the administrative issues needed to keep a national, relevant non-profit organzation running, and then will join our General Assembly and members of the public in a discussion on the health and vitality of the humanities on Saturday.

There are a few ways that you can get involved with us this weekend. Firstly, if you have specific comments or questions for our executive feel free to post them here, send to me over twitter (@fedcan) or email me at and I'll do my best to get you answers.

Secondly, we will be live-blogging several of the sessions tomorrow right here on the Fedcan Blog, allowing you to follow along with us and add your comments to the discussion.

Thirdly, and importantly for those of you who might have other plans for your weekend, we'll have videos of the presentations this weekend available for you in the coming weeks available on our website (and here on the Fedcan Blog). We hope that these will form a set of lasting resources featuring scholars such as Louis Menand and creators such as Johanna Skibsrud. You can find the entire agenda online here.

This conversation about the future of the humanities - and what the Federation's role will be within it - will continue. We hope that our meetings over the next few days will provide a compelling and constructive start.