News from the Social Sciences and Humanities community

26 juillet 2011

Ryan Saxby Hill

Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

There were a few interesting pieces of news floating around that we thought readers of the Fedcan blog might be interested in. Enjoy!

It looks like the tides are shifting in the debate over how to best deliver copyrighted material to students on campus. Michael Geist argues in the Toronto Star that Universities are starting to embrace technological alternatives to the photocopy levy offered through Access Copyright. [Toronto Star]

Dale Kirby points to the interesting finding in a recent report from the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario that adults with higher literacy levels are three times more likely to participate in adult learning. [Adventures in Canadian PSE]

What is the value of a university degree? Is the 40% earning premium enough to keep students from choosing college over a university degree? THE looks at some of the dynamics driving the growth of college system in Canada. [Time Higher Education]

Well-known Canadian author Margaret Atwood is hoping to help lend some support (through her Twitter account) to Toronto’s library system. [The Globe and Mail]