SSH News: Reported earnings by degree, SSH research matters, Ideas can… bubbles, Digital Humanities 2014 conference

3 juillet 2014

Two contradicting articles this week report on the earnings of humanities and social sciences graduates. On one hand, the Globe and Mail reports positively that BA grads have better pay, more career options while Maclean’s magazine suggests that a graduate survey shows stark differences in salaries where humanities graduates earn the least, and even hints at the “underemployment” among these graduates.

Notwithstanding, in a newly-published piece this week in International Innovation, President Antonia Maioni discusses how the humanities and social sciences contribute to a better understanding of today’s greatest challenges. Antonia writes that “One must never overlook the crucial contribution of the humanities and social sciences and even the arts in any endeavour in the natural sciences. As Canada transitions from an industrial to a knowledge-based society, success lies in cross-disciplinarity, creative approaches to complex and rapidly-evolving challenges in areas such as climate change, energy policy, ageing and a shared prosperous future with our Aboriginal peoples. Now, more than ever, we need to bring together content, context and technology in forging new dynamic pathways and cultures of entrepreneurship and innovation”. Read the full article available here.

Speaking of what ideas can… Starting this week, the Federation has been busy tweeting out an Ideas can… bubble from Congress each and every day. Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @ideas_idees and retweet the ideas you think should endure. For those who participated during Congress, be sure to look out for yours!

Last but not least, this upcoming Monday marks the start of the Digital Humanities 2014 conference hosted by the University of Lausanne and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, under the theme of “Digital Cultural Empowerment”. Digital Humanities is the annual international conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO). The full program, with links to the abstracts, can be found here.