Le Congrès dans l'actualité- 1 juin

1 juin 2016

News highlights for June 1, 2016

Canadian chief justice addresses challenge of preserving diversity in a multicultural society

University of Calgary - May 31, 2016

...McLachlin, Chief Justice of Canada, at the Big Thinking lecture series at Congress 2016 Monday. How do we deal with the other, the person who...


How cattle brands became a symbol of Western pride and a way of life that is increasingly under threat

National Post - May 31, 2016

...subsisting on that totally. Those days are long gone. Ranches nowadays are enormous. But the brands, and the attachment to them, remains. Jen Gerson


Another Week of Oil Sands Bashing, Another Backwards Step

Alberta Oil - May 31, 2016

...vs the Climate, said in Calgary on Sunday at the Congress 2016 of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Every serious international publication...


Defending the Arctic: 5 things you should know

Calgary Herald - May 31, 2016

...at play, Canada s role is hotly contested. Some, like University of Calgary professor Rob Huebert, say conflict at the North Pole is inevitable...


A return to indigenous place names

Montreal Gazette ePaper - May 31, 2016

...some of the most interesting research. Today, the Post s Jen Gerson speaks with Gunter Schaarschmidt, a retired University of Victoria professor


Alberta En Bref

CBC Radio-Canada - Jun 01, 2016


L'heure de pointe Toronto

CBC Radio-Canada - Jun 01, 2016


Gender in Sports

NewsTalk 770 - Jun 01, 2016

Karleen Pendleton Jimenez joined Angela Kokott to discuss gender in sports.


Oh, The Humanities! Renaming the mountains of the colonizers

National Post - Jun 01, 2016

n this week-long Oh, The Humanities! series, the National Post showcases some of the most interesting research. Today, the Post’s Jen Gerson speaks to Gunter Schaarschmidt, a retired professor from the University of Victoria, about the trend of place names reverting to Indigenous antecedents.