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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

Towards Achieving Equity: New changes to CAUT’s governance structure
Penni Stewart, Canadian Association of University Teachers Guest Contributor Thank you for the invitation to post the news about the changes to the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) governance structure to the Federations’ Equity...

L’embauche de conjoints: une question d’équité?
Christine Daigle, Université de Brock Article invité Les couples universitaires ne sont plus une rareté. Finie l’époque où monsieur le professeur vaquait à ses recherches et à son enseignement alors que l’épouse supportait tous ses efforts en s...

Indigenous knowledge, anti-colonialism and empowerment
Waziyatawin, University of Victoria Guest Contributor Indigenous knowledge recovery is an anti-colonial project. It is a project that gains its momentum from the anguish of loss of what was and the determined hope for what will be. It springs from...

'The work is far from done': Women, feminism, intersectionality
Wendy Robbins, University of New Brunswick Guest Contributor This blog post is part of the Federation Equity Portfolio’s ‘Equality Then and Now’ series, marking 40 years since the Royal Commission on the Status of Women. Look for more on this topic...

Encourager l’engagement citoyen du chercheur : un rôle fondamental pour la Fédération
Dans son discours aux participants à l’assemblée générale réunie à Ottawa à la fin du mois de mars, la présidente de la Fédération, Noreen Golfman, a réfléchi sur le travail du chercheur dans une perspective citoyenne. Selon Mme Golfman, la...

Royal Commission on the Status of Women @ 40: Women's diversity and community leadership
Caroline Andrew, University of Ottawa Guest Contributor This blog post is part of the Federation Equity Portfolio’s ‘Equality Then and Now’ series, marking 40 years since the Royal Commission on the Status of Women. Look for more on this topic in...

From traditional mentoring to mentoring networks
James Deaville, Carleton University Guest Contributor This is an edited version of Dr. Deaville’s recent presentation to the Federation’s General Assembly meeting on March 27, 2010. Listen to the podcast of the panel presentation, or read the...

Addressing racism: Toward equity and diversity in higher education
Grace-Edward Galabuzi, Ryerson University Guest Contributor Last month, a study conducted by Statistics Canada for Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Canadian Heritage and Human Resources and Skills Development Canada entitled Projections of the...

Stewart Elgie on Achieving a Low-carbon, High-octane Economy
In what was NOT an April Fools Day joke, the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences hosted Professor Stewart Elgie at our April 1st Big Thinking lecture on Parliament Hill. You can access a podcast of the lecture here on the...