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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.
Défense des intérêts en action : faire le lien entre la recherche et l’élaboration des politiques
Description | Rencontrez les conférencier.ère.s | Visionnez l'enregistrement | Retranscription Description Nous sommes tou.te.s gagnant.e.s lorsque les chercheur.euse.s ont les moyens de faire entendre leur voix et de défendre efficacement leurs...
Le libre accès dans les sciences humaines au Canada : Une conversation
Au cours de la dernière décennie, le libre accès a gagné le soutien des chercheur.euse.s et des décideur.euse.s politiques, avec un plaidoyer de plus en plus fort en faveur de l'accès gratuit en ligne aux travaux universitaires en ligne. Si l...
Centering Black Voices in Research: A panel discussion with the SSHRC Advisory Committee to Address Anti-Black Racism
Three members of SSHRC’s Advisory Committee to Address Anti-Black Racism spoke at Congress about their work ensuring equity, diversity, and inclusion in SSHRC’s granting system. The panel began with a moment of silence for the ten people killed by a...
What does social justice mean to you?
What does social justice mean to you, and how can research help advance it to forge the future you want? To mark its 25th anniversary, the Canada Foundation for Innovation hosted a panel discussion around this topic at Congress 2022.
Beyond impact to engaged research and publication in HSS
As part of the Congress Career Corner series, Kath Burton of Routledge Journals (Humanities, Media and the Arts) and Vicky Gardner of Taylor & Francis facilitated a workshop entitled Beyond Impact to Engaged Research and Publication in HSS...
Beyond Anthropocentrism in Ukrainian Studies: Proposals from the Environmental Humanities
The Canadian Association of Slavists convened a roundtable to discuss ways to develop environmental humanities in and about Ukraine at Congress 2022.
Social Sciences and Humanities at the Forefront: Leading High-Risk/High-Reward Interdisciplinary Research
Social Sciences and Humanities at the Forefront: Leading High-Risk/High-Reward Interdisciplinary Research brought together four scholars leading projects funded through the New Frontiers in Research Fund’s (NFRF) Exploration stream.
Collecting and Communicating the Evidence of Impact
Sponsored by University Affairs, the May 16 Career Corner session entitled “Collecting and Communicating the Evidence of Impact” featured Connie Tang and David Phipps of Research Impact Canada. Connie began the session by asking the audience a...
Research4Life: Strategies to Support Global Access to High Quality Scholarly Content
Without an institutional license, research papers can be expensive to access. Twenty years ago, Research4Life was formed to provide access to data to researchers in low- and middle-income countries, focusing on five different disciplines: health...