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Being the best research assistant you can be

Terry Soleas Dr. Michelle McGinn in an extension of her role as the Associate Dean of Research and International Initiatives led a workshop on helping research assistants deepen their engagement with the research process, improve their skillset as...

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Real world plot-lines and violent media

Jessica Dixon As a member of the media-obsessed public, I take pride in my expansive knowledge regarding technological developments and other forms of media produced by our digital culture. I have grown up with the re-enforced idea that this mind-set...

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Challenging casual homophobia

Liz Smith How often do you hear “That’s so gay”? What about “faggot”, “dyke”, and “queer”? Here’s a less comfortable question: how often do you yourself use these words? While terms like these permeate our language, they are seldom challenged let...

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This scientist has been government approved for your safety

Jessica Dixon Franke James, James Turk, and Dr. Janet Friskney came together within Brock University's David S. Howes Theatre yesterday to speak out against issues that they think should have the Harper Government shaking in their government-endorsed...

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Votre attention... futurs consommateurs

Rendez-vous sur innovation.ca pour consulter des histoires de recherches en sciences sociales et humaines financées par la Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation. En finançant l’infrastructure de recherche de pointe dans toutes les disciplines, dans...

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Child minding at Congress – Keeping the kids involved

Doug Junke When it comes to Congress 2014, it’s not all about the adults. There’s a child-minding service for participants’ children as well. “It’s been a great experience,” says Marie Reimer, Brock University’s special projects and operations co...