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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.
Fedcan on Budget 2010
Photo gracieuseté de slightly-less-random sur Flickr Rendu public la semaine dernière,le budget fédéral a été comme un feu de paille à en juger par la couverture dans les médias nationaux. Si la Fédération est satisfaite de constater que du...
Equity and women of colour: Things are slow to change in the academy
Audrey Kobayashi, Queen's University Guest Contributor Women of colour remain severely underrepresented in Canadian academia. Notwithstanding employment equity policies that have been in place for at least two decades in most universities, they are...
International Women’s Day 2010: Remembering Four Trailblazing Haitian Feminists
Malinda Smith, Vice-President, Equity In Haitian Creole there is a proverb that says, “ Men anpil, chay pa lau,” which roughly translates as “many hands lighten the load.” This proverb aptly captures the transnational story of women’s struggles for...
Status of Women in Canada on International Women’s Day 2010
Judy Rebick, Ryerson University Guest Contributor It is International Women’s Day 2010, forty years after the Report of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women. A generation has passed, my generation. In some ways, there has been a revolution in...
Gender gap and beyond: Are women the key to a Conservative majority?
Elisabeth Gidengil, McGill University Guest Contributor The term “gender gap” became a staple of political commentary following the 1980 United States presidential election. In that election, women were much less likely than men to vote for Ronald...
Canadian scholars in solidarity with Chile
Malinda S. Smith, vice-president (Equity) CFHSS Perhaps the epic poem, La Araucana, said it best: “Chile, province fertile and marked / in the famed region of Antarctica / by remote nations respected / for its strength, nobility, and power.” Chile is...
Unreasonably focusing on reasonable accommodation in Canada?
Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens, Université de Montréal Guest Contributor Here we go again. As I write this entry, a new controversy has erupted following a Quebec government’s decision to allow private Chassidic schools to hold classes on weekends...
Après la fièvre olympique, au tour du budget fédéral
Pierre Normand, FCSH Directeur des communications Photo courtesy RobMan170 on Flickr. Alors que les Canadiens continuent d’être captivés par le drame personnel de la patineuse Joannie Rochette et regagnent espoir de décrocher une première médaille d...
Why gender still matters in politics
Brenda O'Neill, University of Calgary Guest Contributor It’s safe to say that the issue of ‘women in politics’ no longer generates the attention that it once did. The 1984 leaders’ debate between John Turner (Liberal), Brian Mulroney (Progressive...