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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.
Le parcours de carrière des diplômés en sciences humaines plus stable avec le temps
Matthew McKean, Analyste des politiques, Fédération des sciences humaines Vous savez, ces amis diplômés dans les domaines de l’informatique, des mathématiques, des sciences de l’ingénieur et de l’administration des affaires — ceux-là mêmes qui n’ont...
SSH News: Research universities come together to promote SSH, humanities degrees provide great return on investment, SSH students less vulnerable to job booms and busts
Research universities promote the social sciences and humanities A network of global research universities, including the U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities, has come together to discuss the important role of the SSH in tackling the world’s...
An Easy, Inexpensive Solution for Simultaneous Translation
This article originally appeared in Convene, magazine of the Professional Convention Management Association. As associations continue to grow their international membership, simultaneous translation at events is moving from a nice-to-have to a must...
Le PAES en vedette au Salon du livre de Montréal
Jessica Clark, Fédération des sciences humaines Vendredi dernier, j’ai eu encore une fois le privilège de participer au Salon du livre de Montréal au nom de la Fédération et du Prix d’auteurs pour l’édition savante (PAES). Le Salon est un paradis...
SSH News: World Philosophy Day, Bartha Knoppers named Grande Montréalaise, recession sends graduates back to school according to study
World Philosophy Day November 20 is World Philosophy Day, an initiative by UNESCO. The event has been celebrated since 2002. This year’s theme is “Social Transformation and Intercultural Dialogue”. Programmed events for the day, as well as...
RSC report makes compelling case for why libraries and archives are essential, but vulnerable
Last week, the Royal Society of Canada released its report on the status and future of Canada’s libraries and archives, entitled “The Future Now: Canada’s Libraries, Archives, and Public Memory.” The RSC’s defense of libraries and archives and its...
Une traduction financée par le PAES reçoit le Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général
Jessica Clark, Fédération des sciences humaines La Fédération des sciences humaines a le plaisir de féliciter Peter Feldstein, gagnant du Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général de cette année dans la catégorie Traduction du français vers l’anglais...
Humanities and social science research is crucial to our understanding of the changing workplace
In her recent op-ed for The Globe and Mail, Federation President and McGill Professor Antonia Maioni rightly asks why women, who have outnumbered men at universities for years, remain underrepresented in leadership positions in the workplace. Behind...
SSH News: Globe and Mail op-ed by Antonia Maioni, maximizing policy impact of research, student program choice, and other news
Globe and Mail op-ed by Antonia Maioni A new op-ed by Federation President Antonia Maioni has appeared in The Globe and Mail. Maioni looks at the numbers of women in professional leadership positions and asks why women are underrepresented. Behind...