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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

An Easy, Inexpensive Solution for Simultaneous Translation
This article originally appeared in Convene, magazine of the Professional Convention Management Association. As associations continue to grow their international membership, simultaneous translation at events is moving from a nice-to-have to a must...

Une traduction financée par le PAES reçoit le Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général
Jessica Clark, Fédération des sciences humaines La Fédération des sciences humaines a le plaisir de féliciter Peter Feldstein, gagnant du Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général de cette année dans la catégorie Traduction du français vers l’anglais...

Les sciences humaines prennent une part active dans notre réponse aux attaques récentes de St-Jean-sur-Richelieu et d’Ottawa
Gauri Sreenivasan, Directrice des politiques et des programmes Après les terribles attaques survenues la semaine dernière à St-Jean-sur-Richelieu et à Ottawa, la capitale nationale retrouve, lentement mais sûrement, le cours normal de ses activités...

SSH News: Fables and moral lessons, rap and racism in Québec, and the Ivy League debate reaches Canada
This week in SSH News, children’s stories and fables are the subject of research. At the University of Toronto, psychologist Kang Lee put three well-known tales that involve a main character lying to the test when he asked, do they actually teach...

Language plays a key role in inclusivity
This year at Congress, the Federation hosted a four-part series dedicated to equity issues, which included the following sessions: Challenging casual homophobia in schools, sports, and society Sochi and beyond: Russia's anti-gay legislation, human...

The gift of life
Terry Soleas "Blood can bring out the best of human virtues, our basest urges and some of the worst in humanity.” Lawrence Hill, a celebrated and acclaimed Canadian author was at Congress on Thursday, May 29 to deliver one of his Massey Series of...

Mayors for a better Canada
Jessica Dixon True to my age, a cynical perspective regarding the effectiveness of Canada’s democratic structure flows through my veins. With this in mind, I attended American Professor, Benjamin Barber’s presentation (and the following panel) about...

The towers in the world, the worlds in the towers
Samara Bissonnette HIGHRISE. An incredibly modern, collaborative, inspiring digital project connecting voices from high rise buildings all over the world. These big concrete mammoths of architecture are "containers of human experience", and this...

A new imagination - Catherine Dauvergne and the new politics of immigration
Samara Bissonnette In an installment of the Big Thinking series for Congress 2014, Catherine Dauvergne delivered one of her newest big ideas yesterday at Brock University in a presentation titled " The End of Settler Societies and the New Politics of...