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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

New international research opportunities from Mitacs Globalink
Guest blog by Mitacs International collaborations are proving increasingly valuable to research, and universities across Canada are looking to establish worldwide linkages through the two-way mobility of talented students. Mitacs has promoted student...

Mot-clic du Congrès des sciences humaines 2014
L’édition du Congrès des sciences humaines de 2013 a connu un grand succès sur le plan de la fréquentation et des échanges en ligne entre les congressistes, la Fédération et nos hôtes à la University of Victoria. Parmi les médias sociaux, Twitter a...

Copyright and the modern academic: a series of debates at Congress 2014
Copyright law is a contentious issue for Canadian academics in their roles as teachers, researchers and creators. This will be explored at Congress 2014 in a series of three debates involving some of Canada’s leading copyright experts and...

A call for dialogue: Race, representation and media
Patrick Case, Director, Human Rights and Equity Office, University of Guelph Guest Contributor A recent magazine article on Asian students has stirred a heated debate about balancing freedom of expression with protecting Canadians from discrimination...

Teaching Equity Matters – Race, space and the law, Part II
Angela P. Harris, Berkeley Law School Guest Contributor In Part I of this reflection on teaching race matters I examined a successful story of co-teaching race and the law in Brazil with Denise da Silva. In Part II I draw on an unsuccessful story...

Entre militarisation et judiciarisation des politiques publiques canadiennes: Quelle voie choisir dans la lutte à la cybercriminalité?
Selon un sondage réalisé en février 2010 pour le compte du fournisseur de logiciels antivirus Symantec, 79% des répondants dans 14 pays croient que les auteurs de crimes sur internet ne seront jamais traduits en justice. Si les risques criminels liés...

Teaching Equity Matters – Race, space and the law, Part I
Angela P. Harris, Berkeley Law School Guest Contributor These reflections are based on a workshop I conducted on “ teaching race and the law” at the University of Alberta this past October. I hope these reflections will be useful to those teachers...

Multiculturalism, Multicultiphobia and Pluralism
Phil Ryan, Carleton University Guest Contributor Politics is in part a battle over the meaning of words. Imagine, for example, a parallel universe where United States fundamentalist Pat Robertson’s definition of feminism had become dominant:...

Thunder in her soul – Remembering Patricia A. Monture
Malinda S. Smith, Vice President, Equity Patricia Monture Her Mohawk name was ‘Aywahande,’ or “the one who speaks first or gets things going with words.” Professor Patricia (‘Trish’) Monture, the brilliant and accomplished Haudenosaunee lawyer...