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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

Le pouvoir des arts
Jean-Marc Mangin Directeur général, Fédération des sciences humaines L’Université Carleton et la Fondation Michaëlle Jean ont tenu ce weekend le premier forum annuel sur le pouvoir des arts. Ce fut un grand succès. Rarement, j’ai participé à une...

Nouveau mot-clic du Congrès des sciences humaines
L’édition du Congrès des sciences humaines de 2013 a connu un grand succès sur le plan de la fréquentation et des échanges en ligne entre les congressistes, la Fédération et nos hôtes à la University of Victoria. Parmi les médias sociaux, Twitter a...

SSH News: Power of the Arts, SSHRC webinars, and Bibliographical Society of Canada call for proposals
Christine McKenna Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Can you believe it’s already the end of September? That was fast. The Power of the Arts National Forum is already upon us, and if you aren’t able to make it down to Carleton...

SSH News: AUCC’s UniversityWorks, support for humanities research at McGill, and upcoming events
The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) launched a new website on Tuesday that features short videos highlighting how positive university experiences can lead to rewarding careers in the future. The website, called...

Scientists stand up across Canada
Christine McKenna Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences The sequel to last year’s Death of Evidence funeral procession took place on Monday as Canadian scientists rallied in 18 cities across the country to Stand Up for Science and its...

SSH News: Imagining Canada’s Future, Big Thinking with Richard Hawkins, and the Power of the Arts National Forum
Christine McKenna Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) has released the results of their Imagining Canada’s Future initiative, which includes six future challenge areas likely...

SSH News: CIBC report responses, volunteer at the World Social Science Forum, and the Royal Society of Canada names new fellows and award winners
Last week saw the release of a report from CIBC about the current state of employment prospects for university graduates. Since then, discussions about the value of a university education have ramped up across the Canadian media, with many...

Lancement des vidéos des Prix du Canada
Les éditeurs ont commencé à soumettre des candidatures pour l’édition 2014 des Prix du Canada. La Fédération décerne ces prix chaque année aux meilleurs livres savants en sciences humaines et sociales ayant bénéficié du soutien financier du Prix d...

SSH News: CIBC report, call for papers for Sexuality, Human Rights, and Public Policy conference, and the official website for Congress 2014
Earlier this week the CIBC released a report suggesting that Canadian postsecondary students are widely choosing to enter fields of study that are not compatible with today’s high-demand areas of employment. Consequently, the report argues that...