News from the social sciences and humanities

October 14, 2011

Milena Stanoeva

Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

The debate over research versus teaching in universities continues. The Globe and Mail published an editorial urging for university reform, especially at the undergraduate level. The editorial argues that the current university system is underperforming and unsustainable. Both Todd Pettigrew of MacLeans On Campus and Melonie Fullick of University Affairs take issue with the editorial’s attack on research. Pettigrew argues that research strengthens teaching and that research should not be conducted only by the private, for-profit sector. Fullick analyses the economic and political changes that need to be considered when discussing quality in post-secondary education.

Academic blogging is gaining popularity, particularly among young academics looking for innovative ways to share their research with colleagues, students and the public. However, not everyone sees academic blogging as worthwhile and valuable. Melonie Fullick examines the debate and discusses the reasons why some academics are taking their research to the blogosphere.

The Canadian Council of Learning is closing in spring 2012. They have released their final report on the state of education in Canada, entitled “What is the Future of Learning in Canada?” The report examines early childhood learning, K-12 education, post-secondary education, adult and workplace learning and Aboriginal learning. CCL warns that Canada is losing ground, both globally and in terms of its past successes, and makes policy recommendations aimed at addressing the problems it highlights.

The Canada Research Chairs Program announced 253 newly awarded or renewed chairholders. Several of our own Big Thinkers are among them. Read our full news release here.