Canadian Symposium of Scholarly Journals

November 14, 2024

Text reads: Canadian Symposium of Scholarly Journals. Virtual Event. Thursday November 14, 2024 1 - 3 pm. Logo of Coalition Publica and the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

About the Symposium

From the emergence of digital publication to the rise of open access, scholarly communications have undergone deep and far-reaching change in the last 30 years. The Canadian Symposium of Scholarly Journals is a community event that aims to gather journal team members from across Canada to share their experiences and challenges in the current, fast-changing environment. The goal will be to foster empowerment in the Canadian journal community through structured discussions addressing shared issues and geared toward possible action. The virtual event will follow Coalition Publica’s principles and practices for bilingual meetings and include simultaneous translation for portions of the program.

We invite members of scholarly journal teams and academic librarians who work with them to bring their perspectives to bear on discussions around key themes of importance to national and regional journals in an increasingly globalized research environment. The Symposium will also be an opportunity to hear from other key stakeholders in scholarly publishing in Canada, such as funders and university administrators, who will be invited to reflect on the discussions from their perspectives.

This event will take place virtually Thursday, November 14 at 13:00 - 15:00 ET.


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This event is presented by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences and Coalition Publica in connection with the Canadian Association of Learned Journals (CALJ) and Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE).