Association conferences

43 - Canadian Association for the Advancement of Netherlandic Studies (CAANS)

Association #
Call-for-papers deadline
Association email
Logo Canadian Association for the Advancement of Netherlandic Studies (CAANS)

The Canadian Association for the Advancement of Netherlandic Studies is the academic ‘home’ of Canadian (and other) scholars, from a myriad of disciplines, whose research focuses on some aspect of Netherlandic Studies, be it linguistic, literary, historical, political, diasporic, post-colonial, art-historical, etc.

CAANS 2025 will feature literary journalist and author Maria Vlaar as this year’s keynote speaker. Maria Vlaar will examine the status of the short story in the Low Countries, as well as the reception of that literary genre by the reading public in the Netherlands and Flanders.

For CAANS 2025, scholars are invited to submit proposals focusing on issues of tolerance, coexistence, conflict, and war in the Netherlandic World, and to examine these through a literary, historical, political, sociological, or art-historical lens. Papers addressing related topics such as the climate challenges facing the Netherlandic World, or the impact of generative AI on Dutch Studies will also be considered for inclusion in the conference program.

In addition to proposals focusing on this year’s theme, we also welcome proposals for papers addressing any other topic related to Netherlandic studies, including but not limited to language, literature, culture, history, art and art history, or politics.

Program Chair(s)
Tanja Collet, University of Windsor

Local Arrangement Coordinator(s)
Marianne Verheyen, University of Toronto

For more information, contact the association directly. Please note that conference registration fees are separate from the association’s membership fees.

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