Association conferences

51 - Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies (CSRS)

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Call-for-papers deadline
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The 2024 conference of the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies / Société canadienne d’études de la Renaissance will be held in person at McGill University (13-15 June) as a part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. We are gratified to announce our plenary presenters Angela Vanhaelen (McGill University), Claude La Charité (Université du Québec à Rimouski), and Anna Lewton-Brain (Dawson College, QC), who will host a concert of Renaissance choral singing. An additional program feature is the CSRS/SCÉR and ACCUTE’s co-sponsorship of “Global Adaptations of Shakespeare.” The conference, which provides an exciting venue for multidisciplinary Renaissance and early modern studies, invites proposals that address the 2024 Congress theme “Sustaining Shared Futures” in relation to the Renaissance and/or early modern period. How do early modern studies at present address our urgent need for "sustainability" through the recognition of the interconnections of human existence and global action on the overlapping social, economic, environmental, and technological issues that threaten our future? How does Renaissance culture seek out a political consensus—through ecumenical endeavours with respect to theological conflicts, or through diplomatic and philosophical endeavours designed to alleviate military tensions and to encourage international cooperation?

Download program Last update: 2024-06-12
Program Chair(s)
Ian McAdam, University of Lethbridge

Local Arrangement Coordinator(s)
Wes Folkerth, McGill University

For more information, contact the association directly. Please note that conference registration fees are separate from the association’s membership fees.

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