51 - Société canadienne d'études de la Renaissance (SCÉR)
The Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies / Société canadienne d’études de la Renaissance is an intellectual community dedicated to the study of the history, cultures, and literatures of the Renaissance with ca. 50 years of providing fellowship, common purpose, mentorship, and valuable support to members. The 2025 CSRS/SCÉR conference will be held in person at George Brown College, Toronto (31 May - 2 June) as part of the Congress. Our plenary speakers include Dr. Urvashi Chakravarty (English, UTSC) and Dr. E. Natalie Rothman (Chair, History & Cultural Studies, UTSC). Come and learn about the CSRS’s EDID initiatives as well. Proposals for papers and panels are due in early February 2025. Contact Dr. Pentland pent@yorku.ca (or Dr. Sauer esauer@brocku.ca). The conference, which provides an excellent venue for multidisciplinary studies, invites proposals that address the Congress theme “Reframing Togetherness” in relation to the Renaissance and/or early modern period. How do early modern studies address our need for community and reframe what it means to coexist with other humans and the environment? How do ever-changing technologies affect early modern scholarship? How can our collaborative sharing of knowledge advance models of commonality and diversity, and enable us to care for a troubled world?