Open events

Rabelais reader of Galen: Renaissance Interdisciplinarity and Sustainability

Association events, EDID, Sustaining shared futures
Claude La Charité
Luc Vaillancourt
Burnside Hall, BURN Room 306
With financial support from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences’ Open Programming Fund
This event is in person only

Event subtitle: Renaissance Interdisciplinarity and Sustainability: Transmitting Ancient Scientific and Philological Knowledge
This event is co-sponsored by the Association des professeur.e.s de français des universités et collèges canadiens (APFUCC)

In its encyclopedic way of considering the relationships between the different fields of knowledge, Renaissance humanism announces the interdisciplinarity of our time. The Aldine copy of the complete works of Galen, which belonged to Rabelais and is now kept at the University of Sheffield, in England, constitutes an exemplary document in this regard. Quantitatively, it represents the most important part of Rabelais’s recovered library. Moreover, the Galenic corpus is itself the most important textual mass preserved from Greek Antiquity. Commentator and editor of Hippocrates, Galen of Pergamumm was also a physiologist, therapist, anatomist, in addition to being a rhetorician and natural philosopher. Rabelais clearly understood his importance, which is why he profusely annotated and underlined his copy. The study of this copy allows us to see Rabelais at work in his office, gathering the materials for his future work, whether as a doctor, philologist, Hellenist or novelist.

Event descriptions and translation (if applicable) provided by the host organization and published in authenticity by the Federation.

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