Federation Launches New EDID Initiatives Fund for Scholarly Associations

February 2, 2023

It is my great pleasure today to announce that the Federation is piloting the EDID Initiatives Fund, a new funding opportunity that will support member associations in developing initiatives that advance equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization (EDID).

This fund builds upon the progress we have made in various areas of EDID since the independent Congress Advisory Committee on EDID released their “Igniting Change” report and the Federation committed to its five-point Action Plan.

Key to our commitment has been engaging in dialogue with and building capacity for the humanities and social science community to contribute collectively and collaboratively towards a just and equitable society. It is in this spirit that the Charter on EDID in the social sciences and humanities was born.

The spring funding cycle is now open, and the applications deadline is February 24, 2023. Another cycle will open in the fall 2023. For more information on eligibility criteria, process guidelines, and to apply, visit the EDID Initiatives Fund page. Feel free to direct any questions or concerns to me at dsivaparan@federationhss.ca

Thank you, and we look forward to learning about and supporting your initiatives as they take shape.


Dhanela Sivaparan

Senior Advisor, EDID

Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

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