Policy and Advocacy Update

Federation's new Policy Development Framework & call for proposals

The Federation is pleased to introduce the Policy Development Framework: a new mechanism to guide how we develop public policy positions on issues of importance to the humanities and social sciences community. This framework establishes a more systemic and transparent policy development process that deepens opportunities for member input and engagement.  

Is there a public policy issue facing Canada’s humanities and social sciences community that you believe requires attention? We want to hear from you.  

Going forward, the Federation will accept policy proposals from members (scholarly association members and institutional members) on a rolling basis. To be eligible for consideration at the next meeting of the Federation Board of Directors, please submit your proposal before August 18, 2023. 

Submit your proposal

This new framework will strengthen the Federation’s ability to inform public policy and advance the priorities of our community. We look forward to working with you to shape the future of the humanities and social sciences in Canada. 

Share your input: Review of Tri-Agency Open Access Policy  

On July 4, the federal granting agencies (SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR) announced a review of the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications. The review of the Policy is set to establish “immediate Open Access” for peer-reviewed journal publications arising from agency-supported research. The granting agencies are launching consultations to inform the renewed Policy, which will be released at the end of 2025. We encourage you to complete their short, online survey.  

Over the coming year, the Federation will be working with SSHRC to engage our community and ensure the renewed Policy reflects the needs and perspectives of the humanities and social sciences. Join the conversation at the next Federation Advocacy Forum – coming in September! Until then, we invite you to share your initial input by emailing policy@federationhss.ca.

Coming soon: the Federation’s pre-budget 2024 submission   

The Federation will be submitting a written brief to the Federal government’s Pre-Budget Consultations in advance of the 2024 Budget. Our recommendations for federal investment in social sciences and the humanities will address the urgently-needed support for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, underinvestment in Canada’s research ecosystem, and open access publishing and infrastructures. The 2024 federal Budget is a critical moment for our advocacy – stay tuned later this summer for how you can join our efforts to advance these urgent priorities. 

Federation recommendations inform new report of the Standing Committee on Science and Research

Last fall, Federation Board Chair Annie Pilote was invited to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Science and Research to present the Federation’s recommendations on supporting research and publication in French in Canada. The Committee has now released its report on the study, Revitalizing Research and Scientific Publication in French in Canada. The Federation welcomes the report and its recommendations as a significant step forward in promoting French-language research and addressing the challenges faced by francophone researchers in funding, producing and disseminating their research in French. 

We were pleased to see the Federation’s priority on open access publishing cited as part of the recommendation that “the Government of Canada continue to support initiatives offering open access to French-language scientific research, such as the Érudit platform, by providing stable, predictable funding” (Recommendation 15). We were also encouraged by the report’s recognition of the challenges faced by Canada’s next generation of researchers who wish to pursue master’s or doctoral studies in French (Recommendation 4). The Federation looks forward to continuing to work with the Committee and government to ensure researchers working in either official language can contribute their ideas and insights to solving Canada’s most pressing challenges. 

Next up on research in French: The Federation is partnering with Acfas to host a panel conversation at the Canadian Science Policy Conference 2023, “New law, new plan for Official Languages: what changes can we expect for research in French?” More details coming soon. 


For more information on the Federation’s policy and advocacy work, and how you can get involved, please contact policy@federationhss.ca.