Resource hub

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The Federation blog is a space for Federation members and researchers in the humanities and social sciences to respectfully discuss ideas and issues of importance to the community. Please review the Federation's blog policy for submission information.

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Ryerson presents… Leanne Simpson

Ryerson University is presenting a wide range of events over the course of Congress 2017, ranging from interdisciplinary lectures, to cultural programming, and more. These diverse community events are intended to compliment Congress 2017 and showcase...

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Research community speaks out on U.S. travel ban

As news of U.S. President Donald Trump’s early executive orders spread across news channels at the end of January, many Canadians and citizens around the world were alarmed by the swiftness of the move to close borders and target Muslim majority...

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Vaudeville as a form of indigenous self-expression

What do you think of when you hear or read Vaudeville? Nostalgia for a simpler time of gas-lamp lit stage productions? A smile at the thought of the slapstick, episodic comedies that gave rise to early cinema and classic cartoons? Or maybe more...

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Œuvres complètes d’Anne Hébert

À la fois poète, romancière, nouvelliste et dramaturge, Anne Hébert me fascine depuis l’adolescence. Lorsque je fus nommée directrice du Centre Anne-Hébert en 2003, je compris que les archives léguées par l’auteure à l’Université de Sherbrooke...

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The people’s playlist

SHARCNET was funded through the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s Innovation Fund. Matthew Woolhouse will be attending the 2015 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences to present “Decomposing the Human Development Index with Respect to Music”...

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Canada Prizes 2015: The art of re-complicating history

Native Art of the Northwest Coast: A History of Changing Ideas is, at over 1,000 pages, a very thick book. Charlotte Townsend-Gault, one of the book’s three editors, says she doesn’t expect people to sit down and read it cover to cover. But in some...