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The Federation blog is a space for Federation members and researchers in the humanities and social sciences to respectfully discuss ideas and issues of importance to the community. Please review the Federation's blog policy for submission information.

Research community speaks out on U.S. travel ban
As news of U.S. President Donald Trump’s early executive orders spread across news channels at the end of January, many Canadians and citizens around the world were alarmed by the swiftness of the move to close borders and target Muslim majority...

Time to Take Peer Review of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Seriously at CIHR
In September 2016, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) launched an International Peer Review Expert Panel under the Chairmanship of Sir Peter Gluckman, Chief Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister of New Zealand, to assess the design...

Membership recruitment and retention strategies

How can Academics and NGOs work together? Some smart new ideas
This blog first appeared in oxfamblogs.org and is reposted with the author’s permission. It reviews a new report published by Carnegie Trust in the UK, underscoring how academics and NGOs might better work together to affect policy and practice...

2017 pre-budget submission: Research drives innovation and growth
As part of the federal government’s pre-budget consultation process, the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences is recommending significant investments to strengthen research, experiential learning and Indigenous academic inclusion. Read...

One Child Reading: My Auto-Bibliography
When I begin explaining my book One Child Reading to people, everybody asks the same question: “How do you remember all those things you read as a child?” It’s a reasonable point to raise. In collecting as many as possible of the books and other...

At the intersections of queer and youth, there is no single story
The Congress 2016 roundtable hosted by the Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English (ACCUTE) and the Association for Research in Cultures of Young People (ARCYP) on May 31st entitled At the Intersections of Queer and Youth...

Food and Power: When the elites tell us what to eat
Food, says Caroline Durand, brings together a number of different aspects of human life, such as health, science, relations between the sexes, social relations and our relationship to nature. Food is therefore an interesting prism through which to...

Teens and sexy outfits: Taking a second look at the issue ‘hypersexualization’ of fashion
About a decade ago, singer Britney Spears set off a storm of controversy when teenage girls started imitating her ‘sexy’ style of dress. Caroline Caron, a professor in the Department of Social Sciences at the Université du Québec en Outaouais, has...