Resource hub

Welcome to the Federation's Resource hub! Here you will find humanities and social science articles, blog posts, videos, webinars, Congress resources, and more! Filter by topic, resource type, file type, and/or year.

The Federation blog is a space for Federation members and researchers in the humanities and social sciences to respectfully discuss ideas and issues of importance to the community. Please review the Federation's blog policy for submission information.

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"Our Greatest Possible Resource"

“A degree will help you get ahead” – so many young Canadians have been told. But with crippling debt and high tuition costs, the cost of getting post-secondary education can become higher than the benefits. And, as Roseann O’Reilly Runte points out...

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Immigrant Women, Equality and Diversity in Canada

Alexandra Dobrowolsky, Saint Mary’s University Guest Contributor This blog post is part of the Federation Equity Portfolio’s ‘Equality Then and Now’ series, marking 40 years since the Royal Commission on the Status of Women. The drafters of the Royal...

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EnGendering Changes in Unpaid Work in Canada

Kathleen Lahey, Queen's University Guest Contributor As discussions about reasonable ‘compromises’ around census issues coalesce, the government actually may end up ‘winning’ on its drive to exclude all non-business-related unpaid work from the 2011...

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Catch up on your Big Thinking this summer

Summer is a great time to catch up on that reading list that eludes you the rest of the year - be it refreshing your memory of Kant or devouring the latest Stieg Larsson thriller. This final month of summer would also be a great time to catch up on...

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Social Sciences and Humanities Key to Digital Economy

Daniel Paul O’Donnell, Federation member and Co-President of the Society for the Digital Humanities wrote an op ed piece in the Edmonton Journal this week discussing the role that the humanities and social sciences have in the development of Canada’s...

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Good news for a new generation of talent

Image courtesy of WikiMedia Commons The Federal government yesterday announced enhanced support for Canada’s next generation of scholars. SSHRC, CIHR and NSERC will jointly administer the new Banting Posdoctoral Fellowship program which will provide...

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ASPP titles win big at Congress 2010

Kel Morin-Parsons, Manager of ASPP One of the many wonderful things about Congress is the awarding of a number of book prizes. With such a critical mass of scholars present, what better place to recognise scholarly accomplishment? The University of...

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Fedcan's Big Thinking lecture is the place to be!

The team here at the Federation was gushing a bit with pride this week when the Ottawa Citizen listed our Big Thinking lecture series as one of the top five places for MP-spotting in the capital. We're in pretty good company with Hy's Steakhouse, D...