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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.
Entretien avec Esi Edugyan
Esi Edugyan, deux fois lauréate du prix Giller, parle de ses œuvres de fiction, des questions de race, d’histoire, de voix et de créativité, et de la notion de liberté avec Prof. Minelle Mahtani.
#BlackProfessorsMatter: Intellectual survival and public love
Guest blog by Wesley Crichlow, Associate Dean of Equity and Diversity, Ontario Tech University, and the Federation’s Board Director of Equity and Diversity There is a distinct paucity of material, scholarly or otherwise, on the experiences of African...
Race, Justice, and Movement Building
The Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences brings together leading thinkers, academics, researchers, policy-makers, and innovators to explore some of the world’s most challenging issues. Congress celebrates the vitality and quality of...
Asking the hard questions on the nature of care in social work
The Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences brings together leading thinkers, academics, researchers, policy-makers and innovators to explore some of the world’s most challenging issues. Congress celebrates the vitality and quality of Canadian...
Ryerson presents… An evening with Cornel West
Celebrating Congress 2017, Ryerson University is pleased to present “An evening with Cornel West.” Known for his passion, humility, grace and humour, Cornel West is one of America’s most outspoken critics on race, poverty and democracy. The Princeton...
Parochialism and protectionism are the enemies of enlightenment: President Deane
This article was published in McMaster Daily News on February 28, 2017. On January 27, 2017, the White House issued its now notorious Executive Order: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States. As I write this, the...
Se dire arabe au Canada : un siècle d'histoire migratoire
Lorsque je me suis intéressée à la genèse de l’immigration arabe au Canada, j’ai constaté que si les « Arabes » suscitaient l’attention des médias, des sociologues et des experts, leur histoire, leurs identités et leurs actions politiques étaient...
Identity and dignity: Bolivia’s Minister of Decolonization talks education
As the Honorable Félix Cárdenas Aguilar stepped up to the podium, I placed over my ears a fragile pair of grey plastic headphones. As he began a lively address to the packed auditorium, a gentle female voice echoed in my ears, translating his words...
"The Nuances of Blackness and/in the Canadian Academy" – A tool for engaging with equity pedagogy in the graduate classroom
Author: Dolana Mogadime, Associate Professor, Brock University Over the past few years, I have used the Federation for the Humanities and Social Science’s Equity Matters blog series as a teaching tool for my graduate level courses in education. The...