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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

Kids Care about Their Online Privacy as Much as Adults Do and Want it Protected, Researcher Says
Contrary to popular belief, youth value their privacy and are disturbed that online platform providers collect their information and steer them towards specific digital content. That’s the finding of a recent study led by Kara Brisson-Boivin...

“The stories came from myself, too.” Markoosie Patsauq and the beginnings of Inuit literature in Canada
Guest blog by Valerie Henitiuk, Concordia University of Edmonton, and Marc-Antoine Mahieu, INALCO, Sorbonne Paris Cité National Indigenous Languages Day offers a prime opportunity to talk about the first Indigenous novel ever published in Canada...

Rethinking capacity: on preserving the dignity of risk
Guest post by Elizabeth C. Mohler, Ph.D Student in Occupational Science at Western University. I recently came across an article in the Walrus titled: "When Is a Senior No Longer Capable of Making Their Own Decisions?" The article outlined what is...

Inclure les médias sociaux dans la conversation sur la conservation : Une biologiste emploie une nouvelle stratégie afin de sensibiliser davantage le public aux habitats du chêne de Garry en danger
Blogueur invité du Congrès 2019 : Mitacs Enfant, Alina Fisher rapportait à la maison des oiseaux blessés et d’autres bestioles. Ainsi, elle a développé une passion pour aider la faune, et c'est une passion qui l’a finalement menée à devenir...

#BlackProfessorsMatter: Intellectual survival and public love
Guest blog by Wesley Crichlow, Associate Dean of Equity and Diversity, Ontario Tech University, and the Federation’s Board Director of Equity and Diversity There is a distinct paucity of material, scholarly or otherwise, on the experiences of African...

Bienvenue au Congrès 2019 à UBC!
Blogueuse invitée : Laura Moss, responsable universitaire du Congrès 2019 Je me souviens parfaitement de mon premier Congrès. C’était en 1994, à la University of Calgary. J’étais alors jeune étudiante au doctorat et terrifiée à l’idée de livrer mon...

The Trans Generation: How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) Are Creating a Gender Revolution
My research with and on behalf of trans and gender nonconforming kids brings my personal experience together with my scholarship in a particularly powerful way. I was a gender nonconforming kid and experienced very harsh gender policing. I now...

Gabriel Miller addresses March for Science 2018
Speech made at the March for Science in Toronto on April 14, 2018 Thank you. It’s wonderful to be here with you marching for knowledge, for evidence, and for science! And I want to thank the organizers. Thank you for all the hard work that you put...

Bourses de voyage pour étudiants
André Magnan, responsable universitaire du Congrès 2018 et professeur agrégé de sociologie à l’Université de Regina Les étudiants aux cycles supérieurs sont indispensables aux universités, car les programmes de recherche dépendent de leur énergie et...