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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

SSH News: Fables and moral lessons, rap and racism in Québec, and the Ivy League debate reaches Canada
This week in SSH News, children’s stories and fables are the subject of research. At the University of Toronto, psychologist Kang Lee put three well-known tales that involve a main character lying to the test when he asked, do they actually teach...

Language plays a key role in inclusivity
This year at Congress, the Federation hosted a four-part series dedicated to equity issues, which included the following sessions: Challenging casual homophobia in schools, sports, and society Sochi and beyond: Russia's anti-gay legislation, human...

The towers in the world, the worlds in the towers
Samara Bissonnette HIGHRISE. An incredibly modern, collaborative, inspiring digital project connecting voices from high rise buildings all over the world. These big concrete mammoths of architecture are "containers of human experience", and this...

Challenging casual homophobia
Liz Smith How often do you hear “That’s so gay”? What about “faggot”, “dyke”, and “queer”? Here’s a less comfortable question: how often do you yourself use these words? While terms like these permeate our language, they are seldom challenged let...

Lorsque science et créativité se rencontrent
Des artistes et des chercheurs collaborent afin d’apporter un regard nouveau sur la science biomédicale Omar Mouallem, Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation Rendez-vous sur pour consulter des histoires de recherches en sciences...

MakerBus Magic
Jessica Dixon Many of my formitive years were spent in front of the television set watching a show that allowed me to learn about the world I live in. The MakerBus reminds me that it will never be a normal field trip. Kim Martin, Ryan Hunt and Beth...

Rethinking water, the stuff of life, through art at Congress
Stuart Reid, director/curator, Rodman Hall Art Centre, Brock University As hosts of Congress 2014, all of us at Brock have been busy preparing an engaging and thought-provoking “Congress Plus” program for both our out-of-town and local guests. As...

Première screening from the Lost Stories project
Ronald Rudin, Trudeau Foundation Fellow, Professor of History, Co-Director, Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, Concordia University Screening of Thomas Widd's Lost Story May 28, 2014 at 10:15 a.m. International Centre 120 Brock...

Bonnes idées : foire aux questions avec Miao Song
Commanditée par la Fédération des sciences humaines, cette série d’articles met en lumière les bonnes idées des chercheurs en sciences humaines pour un monde meilleur. Nous nous entretenons ce mois-ci avec Miao Song, professeure adjointe affiliée à...