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The role of poets as cultural game-changers
What is the importance of the poet in the public sphere? George Elliott Clarke, Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada and E.J. Pratt Professor of Canadian Literature at the University of Toronto, is a literary critic keen to understand the rich...

Ryerson presents… Leanne Simpson
Ryerson University is presenting a wide range of events over the course of Congress 2017, ranging from interdisciplinary lectures, to cultural programming, and more. These diverse community events are intended to compliment Congress 2017 and showcase...

Se dire arabe au Canada : un siècle d'histoire migratoire
Lorsque je me suis intéressée à la genèse de l’immigration arabe au Canada, j’ai constaté que si les « Arabes » suscitaient l’attention des médias, des sociologues et des experts, leur histoire, leurs identités et leurs actions politiques étaient...

Pourquoi les savants fous veulent-ils détruire le monde ? Évolution d’une figure littéraire
Elaine Després, Ph.D., Chercheure indépendante On m’a demandé pendant des années à chaque cocktail ou fête de famille : « De quoi parle ta thèse au juste ? » Et ma réponse — « et bien, de savants fous » — provoquait immanquablement deux réactions de...

Anne of Tim Hortons: Globalization and the Reshaping of Atlantic-Canadian Literature
Jennifer Andrews, Professor, University of New Brunswick The Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP) was founded in 1941. As part of the celebrations of the ASPP’s 75 th anniversary in 2016, members of the ASPP’s Academic Council as well as...

One Child Reading: My Auto-Bibliography
Margaret Mackey, Professor, University of Alberta When I begin explaining my book One Child Reading to people, everybody asks the same question: “How do you remember all those things you read as a child?” It’s a reasonable point to raise. In...

Celestina the Procuress a constant, transforming figure in Picasso’s art and life
Caleb Snider, Congress 2016 student blogger Professor Carol Salus (Kent State University) wrote a fascinating presentation for Congress entitled Picasso, prostitution, and his favourite procuress, but was unable to attend this year’s Congress...

Margaret Atwood: Compassion under contemporary conditions
How can you describe a talk by Canadian literary icon and living legend Margaret Atwood? To do it true justice would take the literary chops of Ms. Atwood herself, something I will never claim to have. What I can say is that she is an intellectual...

Vaudeville as a form of indigenous self-expression
What do you think of when you hear or read Vaudeville? Nostalgia for a simpler time of gas-lamp lit stage productions? A smile at the thought of the slapstick, episodic comedies that gave rise to early cinema and classic cartoons? Or maybe more...