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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

Replacing Misandry: A Revolutionary History of Men
Paul Nathanson, retired researcher, McGill University Katherine Young, professor emeritus, McGill University Writing about unpopular topics is no picnic. But then, original thinking is always risky. In this book we challenge conventional notions...

De Marie de l’Incarnation à Nelly Arcan
Patricia Smart, Carleton University Lorsque j’ai entrepris les recherches pour ce qui allait devenir De Marie de l’Incarnation à Nelly Arcan: se dire, se faire par l’écriture intime, je me proposais d’écrire une histoire de l’autobiographie féminine...

Donald Creighton: A Life in History
Donald Wright, University of New Brunswick I first "met" Donald Creighton when, as an undergraduate, I was assigned a couple of chapters from his two-volume biography of Sir John A. Macdonald. Instantly hooked by his ability to transport readers back...

Œuvres complètes d’Anne Hébert
Nathalie Watteyne, professeure de littérature à l’Université de Sherbrooke À la fois poète, romancière, nouvelliste et dramaturge, Anne Hébert me fascine depuis l’adolescence. Lorsque je fus nommée directrice du Centre Anne-Hébert en 2003, je compris...

We Are Coming Home: Repatriation and the Restoration of Blackfoot Cultural Confidence
Submitted by Robert R. Janes We Are Coming Home: Repatriation and the Restoration of Blackfoot Cultural Confidence (Athabasca University Press) is an unusual book in the museum world – not only because it’s about the unconditional return of sacred...

When big data meets the soul of culture: innovation for the future
The digital age is rapidly changing how scholars produce, share, analyze and preserve ideas. At Monday’s interdisciplinary symposium at Congress 2015, the changing nature of scholarly research with technology was the topic of discussion. One of the...

Together from the start: Federation and the ASPP
Jessica Clark and Matthew McKean, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences The ASPP (Awards to Scholarly Publications Program) has been, in one incarnation or another, at the heart of the Federation since day one. The competitive funding...

The Publisher's Role and its Challenges
Nota bene: The Federation works with many publishers through its Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP). We admire the work they do, though we also know that it is not well understood. So in honour of World Book and Copyright Day, we have...

Prix du Canada 2015: La classe politique du Canada à la remorque de l’industrie du pétrole?
Daniel Drolet Il est quasiment impossible pour un membre de la classe politique de critiquer l’industrie pétrolière au Canada, affirme Dominique Perron, auteure d’un récent livre analysant les identités, mythes et discours entourant le pétrole dans l...