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York University First World War video series

William Wicken, Associate Professor of History, York University York University’s History Department has released seven YouTube videos regarding various aspects of the First World War. In each video, members of the Department discuss the war and its...

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Challenging casual homophobia

Liz Smith How often do you hear “That’s so gay”? What about “faggot”, “dyke”, and “queer”? Here’s a less comfortable question: how often do you yourself use these words? While terms like these permeate our language, they are seldom challenged let...

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A transdisciplinary space for social justice at Congress 2014

Rachel Hirsch, Projects Facilitator, Social Justice Research Institute, Brock University Jeffrey Sinibaldi, Media Relations Manager, Marketing and Communications, Brock University At Congress 2014, Brock’s Social Justice Research Institute (SJRI)...

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A behind the scenes look at preparing for Congress 2014

Brad Clarke, Project Manager for Congress 2014, Brock University We’re now just two weeks away from hosting Canada’s largest academic gathering on our University’s campus situated in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve atop the Niagara Escarpment in Ontario’s...

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P.K. Page, une poétesse qui montre la voie aux femmes

Par Daniel Drolet Selon Sandra Djwa, la poétesse canadienne P.K. Page peut servir de modèle à toute jeune femme qui songe à une carrière littéraire. Bien avant que cela ne soit à la mode ou même habituel, affirme M me Djwa, Page a réussi à se tailler...

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The curious story of Research Matters

Patchen Barss, Creative Director and Managing Editor, Research Matters The first question I really remember being curious about was, “How fast does gravity travel?” I was a teenager. I stood on a bathroom scale and picked up a heavy book. The dial...

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Focus on copyright issues in academia at Congress 2014

Blayne Haggart, Assistant Professor, Political Science, Brock University Copyright laws affect almost every aspect of academics’ professional lives, from limiting how much of a book we can put in a course pack to allowing journals to put our (mostly...