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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

York University First World War video series
William Wicken, Associate Professor of History, York University York University’s History Department has released seven YouTube videos regarding various aspects of the First World War. In each video, members of the Department discuss the war and its...

Russian anti-gay legislation sparks critical thought--Sochi and beyond
Liz Smith Recent events in Russia are certainly at the forefront of a number of important geopolitical conversations. Things that might stand out include: the detaining of the 'Arctic 30' Greenpeace activists, granting temporary asylum to American...

Challenging casual homophobia
Liz Smith How often do you hear “That’s so gay”? What about “faggot”, “dyke”, and “queer”? Here’s a less comfortable question: how often do you yourself use these words? While terms like these permeate our language, they are seldom challenged let...

Lorsque science et créativité se rencontrent
Des artistes et des chercheurs collaborent afin d’apporter un regard nouveau sur la science biomédicale Omar Mouallem, Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation Rendez-vous sur pour consulter des histoires de recherches en sciences...

Social sciences and humanities themes run deep in Council of Canadian Academies research
Jeff Junke, Coordinator, Social Media and Communications, Council of Canadian Academies The social sciences and humanities are an important cornerstone of Canada’s research strength. The Council knows this all too well thanks to its report, The State...

A transdisciplinary space for social justice at Congress 2014
Rachel Hirsch, Projects Facilitator, Social Justice Research Institute, Brock University Jeffrey Sinibaldi, Media Relations Manager, Marketing and Communications, Brock University At Congress 2014, Brock’s Social Justice Research Institute (SJRI)...

P.K. Page, une poétesse qui montre la voie aux femmes
Par Daniel Drolet Selon Sandra Djwa, la poétesse canadienne P.K. Page peut servir de modèle à toute jeune femme qui songe à une carrière littéraire. Bien avant que cela ne soit à la mode ou même habituel, affirme M me Djwa, Page a réussi à se tailler...

First World War shaped values of Canadian children: author
Susan Fisher says writing Boys and Girls in No Man’s Land: English-Canadian Children and the First World War had an unexpected personal benefit: It helped her understand the world in which her parents grew up. Fisher, whose book has won this year’s...

Rethinking hate crimes: The hard work of creating social equity
Lucas Crawford and Robert Nichols, University of Alberta Guest Contributors Monday, May 10th was Alberta’s inaugural ‘Hate Crimes Awareness Day,’ an event that raised more questions than answers. Offered as an opportunity to ‘celebrate’ the successes...