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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

Celebrating Canada’s open access “tipping point”
As Canadians welcome World Book and Copyright Day on April 23 rd, the three federal research granting institutions – the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the Natural Sciences...

Not really a philosopher
Chris Eliasmith, Canada Research Chair in Theoretical Neuroscience, is professor with a joint appointment in Philosophy and Systems Design Engineering and cross-appointment to Computer Science at the University of Waterloo. He is Director of the...

L’avenir de la recherche au Canada
Vous avez peut-être entendu parler de l’initiative récente de l’Association canadienne des études supérieures (ACES) et du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH) qui inviteront 20 étudiants de divers établissements universitaires pour...

Canada can learn from the UK’s “The Business of People” report
Released by the UK’s Campaign for Social Science on February 24, 2015, “ The Business of People” report underscores the critical role that social science research should play in the that country’s science and innovation strategy. The report’s release...

Le Congrès des sciences humaines accueille plus de délégués étrangers que jamais
Ce virage témoigne de l’internationalisation croissante de la recherche, selon les universitaires.

Les grandes universités de recherche; autonomie et environnement compétitif.
Robert Lacroix et Louis Maheu, Université de Montréal Le programme Prix d’auteurs pour l’édition savante (PAES) a appuyé la publication récente du livre Les grandes universités de recherche : Institutions autonomes dans un environnement concurrentiel...

A short history and economics lesson for Kevin O’Leary
In a recent BBN interview, Kevin O`Leary offered unsubstantiated commentary about liberal arts degrees, and History degrees in particular. He stated: “…stop going for liberal arts degrees because it is useless”; “come out with a History degree, you...

What are we telling students about the value of the humanities and social sciences?
Our daily work at the Federation is a reminder of how important the humanities and social sciences are to our success as an innovative and democratic society. We know very well that, without the self-reflection and criticism provided by the SSH, our...

The magic of monographs: reading scholarly books for fun
Even without the onslaught of a hellish ice front and ear-snapping temperatures of -15 degrees, curling up with a good book can be a great way to spend the winter holidays. This winter, my sage-buds were tingling for a certain approfondissement about...