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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

Une étudiante mexicaine apporte une nouvelle perspective aux traités autochtones en Saskatchewan
Blogue invité par Robyn Dugas, Spécialiste de contenu, Mitacs Wendy Ortega Pineda est déterminée à contribuer à la création d’un monde plus équitable. Étudiante en droit à l’Universidad Autónoma de Baja California du Mexique, Wendy a beaucoup appris...

Jennifer Welsh addresses the crisis of liberal democracy in ‘The Decline of the West’
This is a Congress 2018 blog about event #1235. Click here to find out more about it. In recent weeks, the governments of the U.K., Canada, the U.S. and other Western countries have expelled dozens of Russian diplomats from their capital cities. This...

On the Side of the Angels: Canada and the United Nations Commission on Human Rights
Otto Von Bismark once famously remarked that: “If you like laws and sausages, you should never watch either one being made.” I respectfully disagree. I first decided to write On the Side of the Angels: Canada and the United Nations Commission on...

What is science worth for us?
Since the 1990s, policy makers progressively became interested in assessing scientific research not only on its merits for the scientific community, but also for society at large. However, we still do not have a widely accepted, systematic way to...

At 150, Canada must do more to protect human rights and press freedom both at home and abroad
The Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences brings together leading thinkers, academics, researchers, policy-makers, and innovators to explore some of the world’s most challenging issues. Congress celebrates the vitality and quality of...

Canada and Hungary are both celebrating their 150th birthdays: What can each learn from the other’s example?
The Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences brings together leading thinkers, academics, researchers, policy-makers and innovators to explore some of the world’s most challenging issues. Congress celebrates the vitality and quality of Canadian...

Keeping Ontario on the map! Exploring our transforming landscapes online
Map libraries are wonderful places, whose collections support patrons in their research, education, work and private lives. However, given the quantity of maps produced during any given period, libraries often have to make decisions to preserve only...

Bonnes idées : Foire aux questions avec Louis Raymond
Commanditée par la Fédération des sciences humaines, cette série d’articles met en lumière d’éminents chercheurs qui présentent leurs bonnes idées pour un monde meilleur. Nous nous entretenons ce mois-ci avec Louis Raymond, professeur émérite à l...

Anne of Tim Hortons: Globalization and the Reshaping of Atlantic-Canadian Literature
Jennifer Andrews, Professor, University of New Brunswick The Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP) was founded in 1941. As part of the celebrations of the ASPP’s 75 th anniversary in 2016, members of the ASPP’s Academic Council as well as...