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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

Thinking about War
Reflections on the Congress 2018 Big Thinking lecture entitled Thinking about war with Margaret MacMillan, C.C. organized by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences and the University of Regina. In a country like ours, it can be easy to...

Thinking about war - Margaret MacMillan

Change a Life, Change your Own: Child Sponsorship, the Discourse of Development, and the Production of Ethical Subjects
It was January 1996, and I was standing on a gangway in a Cuban cement factory. There was no safety railing between me and four massive cylinders crushing limestone some five meters below. The air glittered with dust, and the noise was deafening. At...

Une étudiante mexicaine apporte une nouvelle perspective aux traités autochtones en Saskatchewan
Blogue invité par Robyn Dugas, Spécialiste de contenu, Mitacs Wendy Ortega Pineda est déterminée à contribuer à la création d’un monde plus équitable. Étudiante en droit à l’Universidad Autónoma de Baja California du Mexique, Wendy a beaucoup appris...

Jennifer Welsh addresses the crisis of liberal democracy in ‘The Decline of the West’
This is a Congress 2018 blog about event #1235. Click here to find out more about it. In recent weeks, the governments of the U.K., Canada, the U.S. and other Western countries have expelled dozens of Russian diplomats from their capital cities. This...

ASPP-Funded Books Dominate The Hill Times’ Best of 2014 List
Jessica Clark, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences On Monday, The Hill Times published its annual list of “Best 100 Books” from the past year. As usual, books funded by the Federation’s Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP)...

Dérogation de l’exécutif à la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés
Par Pearl Eliadis Pearl Eliadis est avocate à Montréal. Elle enseigne à la Faculté de droit de l’Université McGill et est membre à part entière du Centre pour les droits de la personne et le pluralisme juridique. Cette note de blogue est une...

Canada and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
By Rhoda Howard-Hassmann, Canada Research Chair in International Human Rights, Wilfrid Laurier University This blog post was contributed for Human Rights Day, observed on December 10. December 10, 2014 is the 66 th anniversary of the Universal...

A Vision for the SFU Centre for Dialogue
This is a transcript of the speech presented on September 16 by Shauna Sylvester, newly appointed Director of the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University, and Executive Director of SFU Public Square. In this speech, Sylvester lays out her...