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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.
We’re not all in this together: What we can learn from the pandemic response, disability, and social stratification
Guest blog by Dr. Michelle Maroto, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Alberta
Des chercheurs canadiens examinent les effets de l’apprentissage à distance et des changements rapides dans l’éducation
Dès qu’ils ont pris conscience que la pandémie de COVID-19 se prolongerait jusqu’au mois de septembre, les décideurs politiques et les éducateurs se sont empressés de mettre en place l’apprentissage en ligne et ont radicalement modifié les protocoles...
Erasure, Denial and Ignorance (en anglais)
Congress 2021 blog edition By Anurika Onyenso, Third Year General Management Major, University of Alberta, Augustana Campus. The “Hedging, Erasing, Absolving, and Other “EDI” Pitfalls: Recreating Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policies, and Praxis”...
Rebuilding the Institution: Concrete Steps to Support BIPoC Scholars in the Academy (en anglais)
Congress 2021 blog edition By Megan Perram, PhD Candidate in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies at the University of Alberta Congress 2021 is ending the way it began, with an intentional focus on engagement with justice and...
Our Future is Shared: Sheila Watt-Cloutier Presents “Everything is Connected” (en anglais)
Congress 2021 blog edition By Valerie Leow, J.D. Candidate, University of Alberta The sixth Big Thinking session at Congress, “Everything is Connected: Environment, Economy, Foreign Policy, Sustainability, Human Rights, and Leadership in the 21st...
Combating Unconscious Bias and Systemic Racism (en anglais)
Congress 2021 blog edition By Valerie Leow, J.D. Candidate, University of Alberta Although – hopefully – most of us do not consciously or intentionally work to perpetuate inequality in the world, odds are that most of us at least sometimes say or do...
Rethinking the contemporary university: possibilities for decolonization (en anglais)
Congress 2021 blog edition By Claire Kroening, University of Alberta human geography alumna and communications professional Today’s session “Examining Anti-Racist and Decolonial Possibilities in the Contemporary University” delivered a variety of...
Bridging the gaps in employability for social science and humanities academics (en anglais)
Congress 2021 blog edition By Claire Kroening, University of Alberta human geography alumna and communications professional “We have an underutilization of talent in Canada; we produce exceptional [social science and humanities] graduates, but don’t...
Let’s Imagine What’s Possible and Transform Our Universities from Within to Enable Indigenous Scholarship
Congress 2021 blog edition By Claire Kroening, University of Alberta human geography alumna and communications professional Universities are human-made, so with willpower and a commitment from administration and faculty, universities can be...