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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

News from the social sciences and humanities: Big Thinking in the news
Milena Stanoeva Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Several of our Big Thinking speakers from the past two years have been making waves in different publications this week. On Thursday, Dilip Soman (pictured) spoke about financial...

Gender and academe: Council of Canadian Academies releases report on women researchers
Milena Stanoeva Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Yesterday, the Council of Canadian Academies released its report on women’s representation in Canadian universities and the particular challenges that female academics face. The report...

Equity Matters: Ideas can… build a more equitable Canada
Dr. Lynn Wells VP Equity and Diversity, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Vice-President Academic, First Nations University of Canada It’s been some months since I’ve been elected to the position of Vice-President, Equity and...

A look back at Congress 2012
Milena Stanoeva Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences There are now less than 200 days left until Congress 2013 (not that we’re counting down, or anything). To mark the occasion, we decided to round up some of our favourite blog posts and...

News from the social sciences and humanities: CSPC 2012
Milena Stanoeva Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences On Tuesday, The Federation, in partnership with the Canada Foundation for Innovation, organized a panel discussion at the 2012 Canadian Science Policy Conference in Calgary, Alberta...

Crossing borders in North America and Europe: 2012 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Highlights
Milena Stanoeva Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Over the past decade, border crossing has become a national security concern of growing importance, with states increasingly turning to surveillance technologies, databases and smart...

L’actualité bouscule les idées reçues au sujet des étudiants en sciences humaines
Milena Stanoeva Fédération des sciences humaines Le numéro de L’actualité de novembre porte un regard sur le marché du travail au Québec, l’avenir de l’emploi dans la province et les avantages de l’éducation postsecondaire. Dans ce dossier publié par...

News from the social sciences and humanities: Graduate students, university funding and academic publishing
Milena Stanoeva Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Last week, Federation president Graham Carr, wrote an op-ed for the Globe and Mail on the importance of preparing graduate students for life outside of university. His recommendations...

La construction de martyrs au Moyen-Orient: Bourses postdoctorales Banting 2012
Daniel Drolet Journaliste indépendant Laure Guirguis, née d’une mère française et d’un père égyptien chrétien, parle l’arabe et a régulièrement séjourné en Égypte depuis son enfance. Titulaire d’un DEA (Master 2) en philosophie, elle n’avait pas...