2024 EDID Action Plan

Introduction | Principles | Pillars | Appendix - Table 1 | Appendix - Table 2 | Appendix - Table 3


This document presents the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences’ 2024 Action Plan for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization (EDID). In addition to guiding our work within the Federation, we hope this document will be useful to our members and partners. Our aim is to provide a clear and succinct summary of our EDID commitments, a clear plan for the next year, and an accountability tool for monitoring, measuring, and reporting on our progress. 

The Plan will continue an important transformation underway in the Federation’s culture and practices. It builds on actions we have taken since 2021 to implement the 43 recommendations of the “Igniting Change” report. It represents the next stage in our commitment to actively engage in anti-racism and decolonization, and build a more equitable, accessible, diverse, and inclusive organization. 

The plan has three pillars – Capacity, Mission, and Members – and describes our objectives, expected outcomes, and the specific actions we will undertake in each of these areas. 


Accessibility focuses on removing obstacles and providing necessary resources for people with disabilities and those from low-income backgrounds to have equal opportunities in postsecondary education. 
Diversity refers to the inclusion of all human, cultural, and societal differences in academia. It also pertains to different types of knowledge production and encompasses protected grounds under Canadian law, such as race, gender, and sexual orientation. 
Decolonization involves confronting the impact of colonial histories on academic disciplines and governance. It's an ongoing process aimed at transforming the legacies of colonialism and rebuilding lost or eroded foundations. 
Equity aims for justice and fairness by identifying and combating discriminatory ideas and practices. Unlike equality, which assumes an even playing field, equity actively removes obstacles to fair opportunities. 
Inclusion is the intentional design of educational and cultural spaces to be fully usable by all, emphasizing the empowerment of diverse social identities through institutional processes.
Inherent Human Dignity
This principle asserts that all actions to transform inequities must be based on recognizing the inherent dignity of all peoples. 
Inclusive Excellence
Inclusive excellence means that the pursuit of academic excellence is best achieved in equitable and diverse conditions. It recognizes how diversity can deepen learning and fuel creativity.


Our Capacity

Building our capacity to advance EDID and achieve deep and lasting change in our mission, culture, governance, and operations.

Past Achievements (Examples)
  • Established new Standing Committee on EDID (October 2021).
  • Created new three-year $500,000 EDID fund (April 2021). 
  • Hired Senior Advisor, EDID to plan and support EDID activities (November 2021).
  • Developed position for a Research Assistant – EDID (March 2022).
Actions in 2024
  • Adopt EDID staffing plan to integrate EDID portfolio within departmental functions.
  • Recruit new EDID Standing Committee members.
  • Establish long-term, dedicated EDID budget.
  • Adopt diverse hiring policy in alignment with Government of Canada’s “50-30 Challenge” and implement data collection strategy.
  • Develop EDID training program for Board, staff, and volunteers, to deliver training twice a year and as part of onboarding and orientation.
Expected Outcomes
  • Dedicated staff positions to support EDID.
  • A diverse Board of Directors with EDID knowledge and experience.
  • Sustainable EDID activities supported with secure funding.
  • Comprehensive policies and procedures that integrate EDID across operations.
  • Mandatory EDID training provided for Board, staff, and volunteers.

Our Mission

Embed EDID across mission activities, including programs, events, policy and research

Past Achievements (Examples) 
  • Created new EDID Initiatives Fund to support member associations in developing initiatives that advance EDID (February 2023, ongoing).
  • Adopted strengthened Code of Conduct, including new Complaints Investigation Procedure and Ombudsperson function at Congress (May 2021). 
  • Waived Congress fees for students who identify as Black or Indigenous and makes community passes complimentary for community members who identify as Black or Indigenous (February 2021, ongoing).
  • Launched new Open Programming Fund to embed EDID in support for knowledge exchange and mobilization at Congress (December 2022, ongoing). 
  • Introduced significant changes to Scholarly Book Awards program to embed EDID and Indigenous research as central to the application and selection process, including through new merit review guidelines (April 2023).  
  • Launched new $30,000 Indigenous Languages translation grant under the Scholarly Book Awards (April 2023, ongoing).
  • Piloted voluntary self-identification survey of Scholarly Book Awards applicants to help address systemic barriers to access and inclusion (June 2023, ongoing). 
  • Engaged accessibility audit services on an annual basis to improve accessibility of the Congress virtual platform and Federation website (April 2022, ongoing). 
  • Piloted new subsidy program to support Congress attendees and presenters with child and dependent care needs (March 2022, ongoing).
Actions in 2024
  • Continue to award $30,000 Indigenous Languages translation grant under Scholarly Book Awards 
  • Continue to invest $40,000 annually in the EDID Initiatives Fund to support activities led by scholarly associations.
  • Continue to facilitate association-led EDID-focused sessions, events, and activities at Congress through the Open Programming Fund.
  • Expand the Child and Dependent Care Subsidy for Congress presenters through new subsidy allocation process.
  • Continue to offer complimentary Congress 2024 conference access to Black and Indigenous graduate students, and access to open events for Black and Indigenous community members.
  • Implement EDID criteria for selecting Congress themes, keynote speakers, host institutions, and venues.
  • Continue to implement “Igniting Change” recommendations for inclusive conferences. 
  • Expand the piloting of EDID voluntary self-identification surveys to Congress presenters and attendees.
  • Develop new research report featuring HSS contributions to social and racial justice.
  • Continue to collaborate with Indigenous Elders, leaders, communities, and organizations to develop Indigenous Protocols for Congress.
  • Implement and benefit from the best federal, provincial, and municipal accessibility practices, such as the Federal Government of Canada’s “Guide to Planning Inclusive Meetings”, or Ontario Municipal Social Services Association’s “Guide to Conducting Accessible Meetings”.
Expected Outcomes
  • Barriers to participation have been reduced.
  • Enhanced accessibility, inclusivity, diversity, and decolonization of Congress.
  • EDID activities, policies, reporting are supported by data collection/analysis. 
  • Federation programming centres diverse voices and EDID knowledge.
  • HSS research addressing social and racial justice issues is promoted and supported.

Our Community

Support and engage our members in transforming our institutions, associations and society, and facilitate collaboration within the HSS community on EDID issues and initiatives.

Past Achievements (Examples) 
  • Adopted the Charter on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization in the Social Sciences and Humanities and encourages Federation members to adopt it as well (April 2021). 
  • Held annual member forums on EDID topics including accessibility and association governance (November 2021-present). 
  • Created new Resource Hub on Federation website with dedicated repository for EDID-related resources (September 2021).
Actions in 2024
  • Continue to organize and host regular webinars, workshops, roundtables, and forums on various EDID topics and themes for members and partners.
  • Expand online repository of EDID-related resources, tools, reports, and publications on the Federation’s Resource Hub.
  • Recognize member contributions to EDID through relaunch of the Canada Prizes.
  • Provide information to members regarding visa-related assistance and support to scholars who seek to attend Congress and other conferences.
  • Continue to promote adoption and implementation of EDID Charter for the HSS.
Expected Outcomes
  • Members have platforms/forums to share experiences, challenges, best practices, and resources.
    Federation’s culture encourages learning, exchange, and mutual support.
  • Members’ EDID achievements and contributions are celebrated.

Appendix I: Monitoring and evaluation tables

Progress on the action plan is reviewed and tracked using the following monitoring and evaluation tables, which outline key measurements, responsible parties and timelines.

A comprehensive progress report will be published in January 2025. 

Table 1 - Our Capacity

ObjectiveActionsExpected OutcomesMeasurementTimelineResponsible Party
Dedicated staff positions to support EDIDAdopt EDID staffing plan
  • Staff knowledgeable in EDID appointed
  • EDID portfolio integrated within departmental functions
Number of staff dedicated to EDIDStaffing plan implemented by Q2 2024
  • Human Resources
  • Board
A diverse Board of DirectorsRecruit new EDID Standing Committee membersBoard diversity improvedDiversity metrics of the BoardMembers recruited by Q3 2024
  • Governance team
  • EDID Standing Committee
Sustainable EDID activitiesEstablish long-term, dedicated EDID budgetLong-term funding securedFund utilizationNew dedicated EDID budget by end of Q1 2024
  • Finance Department
  • Policy & Research team
Comprehensive policies and procedures Adopt diverse hiring policy in alignment with Government of Canada’s “50-30 Challenge”EDID integrated across operations
  • Implementation of policy 
  • Implementation of data collection strategy 
Policy by Q3 2024
  • Human Resources
  • Policy & Research team
Mandatory EDID trainingDevelop EDID training program for Board, staff, and volunteersEnhanced EDID understandingTraining sessions deliveredProgram implemented by Q4 2024
  • Human Resources
  • Policy & Research team


Table 2 - Our Mission

ObjectiveActionsExpected OutcomesMeasurementTimelineResponsible Party
Reduced participation barriersImplement EDID criteria for selecting Congress themes, speakers, hosts, venuesEnhanced inclusivity at CongressCriteria implementationCriteria implemented by Congress 2025 planning
  • Membership, Events and Communications Department
  • Policy & Research team
EDID in Congress programming and eventsFacilitate association-led EDID-focused sessions at CongressDiverse voices and knowledge in programmingNumber of EDID-focused sessions at CongressSessions organized for Congress 2024
  • Programs Team
Support for HSS research on social justiceDevelop new research report featuring HSS contributionsPromotion of social justice researchResearch report launch date setReport by Q1 2025
  • Policy & Research team
Data-supported EDID policiesPilot EDID voluntary self-identification surveys for Congress attendeesInformed EDID activities, policiesSurvey resultsSurveys piloted at Congress 2024
  • Policy & Research team
Accessible Congress eventsExpand Child and Dependent Care SubsidyImproved event accessibilitySubsidy usage ratesSubsidy expanded by Q1 2024
  • Programs team


Table 3 - Our Community 

ObjectiveActionsExpected OutcomesMeasurementTimelineResponsible Party
Platforms for EDID exchangeOrganize EDID webinars, workshopsEngaged and informed membershipWebinar and workshop attendanceWebinars, workshops hosted by 2024
  • Policy & Research team
EDID resources repositoryExpand online EDID repository on Federation’s Resource HubAccessible EDID informationUsage statisticsRepository updated by Q4 2024
  • Policy & Research team
Celebration of EDID achievementsRecognize EDID contributions through relaunch of Canada PrizesAcknowledged member contributionsAwards and recognition givenAwards presented by Q4 2024
  • Programs team
Support for EDID CharterPromote EDID Charter adoption among membersIncreased Charter adoptionCharter adoption ratesIncrease in adoption rates by Q4 2024
  • Policy & Research team