Événements ouverts

Community, Campus, and Climate Change: Building Relationships and Resilience

Événements des associations, Assurer nos avenirs communs
Amber Fletcher, University of Regina
Magda Goemans, Community Campus Engage Canada
Mary Sweatman, Acadia University
Stefania Pizzirani, University of the Fraser Valley
Sujit Sur, Carleton University
Lynn Gidluck, Benchmark Public Relations
Congress virtual platform
Cet événement est entièrement virtuel et n'aura pas lieu en personne

This hybrid in-person/online session aims to spark discussion about meaningful community-campus partnerships in the face of climate change. Community-campus research and learning partnerships have the potential to enrich community-level action on climate change, though the range of models that exists across Canada remains largely underexplored. Key contributors to community-campus partnership-building at postsecondary institutions are “boundary spanners” (e.g., community engagement professionals, faculty) who work to bridge authentic and reciprocal relationships in their daily practices. Broad knowledge is lacking around how best to optimize these boundary spanners’ efforts, especially considering the diverse array of institutional infrastructures for community engagement that currently exists at post-secondary institutions in Canada.

Based on an in-progress research project entitled, “Community-Campus Responses to Crisis”, this session includes: a panel presentation by community engagement teams that are working on local case study projects to address impacts of climate change in communities across Canada; a summary of what the study has revealed to-date about boundary spanner efforts to further community climate change goals; and opportunities to hear from a pan-Canadian network of community engagement professionals that are participating in several knowledge-exchange sessions with the case study teams over 2024. We invite all Congress attendees—including researchers, community members, students, and university administrators—to share their perspectives and questions as we explore pathways to climate justice through community-campus engagement.

Les descriptions des événements et leurs traductions (le cas échéant) sont fournies par l’organisation hôte et publiées telles quelles par la Fédération.

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