SSH News: December 17, 2015

17 décembre 2015


Weekly digest of the most recent news from the humanities, social sciences and higher education. Un bulletin hebdomadaire des actualités les plus récentes des sciences humaines et sociales et de l’enseignement supérieur.

Humanities and Social Sciences | Les sciences humaines et sociales

Science and math PhDs earn about $65,000 — more than double what arts majors do

December 11, 2015 | Vox

Can philosophy survive in an academy driven by impact and employability?

December 10, 2015 | Times Higher Education

Academics: forget about public engagement, stay in your ivory towers

December 10, 2015 | Times Higher Education

Focus on STEM risks sidelining social science innovation

December 3, 2015 | The Conversation

Higher Education | L’enseignement supérieur

Education in an Uncertain World

December 16, 2015 | Project Syndicate

Carleton spat with faculty damaging university's reputation, says governance expert

December 15, 2015 | Ottawa Citizen

New rules make it ‘nearly impossible’ for employers to keep foreign graduates on staff

December 14, 2015 | The Globe and Mail

Ontario students greet university funding model report with optimism and caution

December 11, 2015 | CNW Newswire

We need to talk about employability, not employment

December 10, 2015 | Times Higher Education

Ontario funding must address decline in undergraduate experience: report

December 10, 2015 | The Globe and Mail

Ontario universities defend focus on research in wake of report

December 10, 2015 | The Globe and Mail

Equity and Diversity | L’équité et la diversité

Reconciliation means establishing, maintaining mutually respectful relationship between aboriginal and non-aboriginal peoples: TRC final report

December 15, 2015 | The Hill Times

Law schools across Canada debate how to enact TRC recommendations

December 15, 2015 | The Globe and Mail

Universities falling short on sexual assault reporting: Document

December 15, 2015 | Metro News

Should We Honor Racists?

December 11, 2015 | Project Syndicate

Why Canada’s universities should mandate indigenous courses

December 10, 2015 | The Globe and Mail

Compulsory courses on indigenous peoples won’t attract students

December 10, 2015 | Globe Editorial

Open Access and Publishing | Le libre accès et l’édition

The Canada Reads 2016 longlist

December 16, 2015 | CBC News

The Future of the Humanities: Reading

November/December 2015 | National Endowment for the Humanities

Cut 'administrative excess' not libraries, MUN grad students say

December 10, 2015 | CBC News

Dutch universities and Elsevier reach deal over open access

December 10, 2015 | Times Higher Education

Creative Commons hits 1 billion licences for free usage

December 8, 2015 | CBC News