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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

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Actualité des SH

Bonnes idées : Foire aux questions avec Jo-ann Archibald

Commanditée par la Fédération des sciences humaines, cette série d’articles met en lumière les bonnes idées de chercheurs de la discipline pour un monde meilleur. Ce mois-ci, nous discutons avec Jo-ann Archibald, qui termine son mandat de vice...

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One Child Reading: My Auto-Bibliography

Margaret Mackey, Professor, University of Alberta When I begin explaining my book One Child Reading to people, everybody asks the same question: “How do you remember all those things you read as a child?” It’s a reasonable point to raise. In...

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On the Twentieth Anniversary of National Aboriginal Day

Yasmeen Abu-Laban, Professor of Political Science at the University of Alberta, and President of the Canadian Political Science Association June 21, 2016 marks the twentieth anniversary of National Aboriginal Day. Canada’s official proclamation of a...

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Sharing the Land, Sharing a Future: Reconciliation

Zahura Ahmed, Congress student blogger What kind of nation are we? What kind of nation do we want to be in the next 150 years? Cindy Blackstock, Executive Director of the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada, gave a compelling...

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Margaret Atwood: Compassion under contemporary conditions

How can you describe a talk by Canadian literary icon and living legend Margaret Atwood? To do it true justice would take the literary chops of Ms. Atwood herself, something I will never claim to have. What I can say is that she is an intellectual...

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Vaudeville as a form of indigenous self-expression

What do you think of when you hear or read Vaudeville? Nostalgia for a simpler time of gas-lamp lit stage productions? A smile at the thought of the slapstick, episodic comedies that gave rise to early cinema and classic cartoons? Or maybe more...