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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

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Being a Graduate Student at Congress 2019

As a graduate student and the UBC Programming Assistant for Congress 2019, I’m excited to share my experiences of Congress. Congress can be an overwhelming experience: many new faces and events can be disorientating and might leave you feeling a bit...

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Talking Teaching at the Pedagogy Hub

Congress brings together scholars from dozens of universities, myriad disciplines, and uncountable research niches. Within this diversity, there is one thing almost all of us have in common: in our profession, we teach. Congress 2019 at UBC will...

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Bienvenue au Congrès 2019 à UBC!

Blogueuse invitée : Laura Moss, responsable universitaire du Congrès 2019 Je me souviens parfaitement de mon premier Congrès. C’était en 1994, à la University of Calgary. J’étais alors jeune étudiante au doctorat et terrifiée à l’idée de livrer mon...

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Thinking about War

Reflections on the Congress 2018 Big Thinking lecture entitled Thinking about war with Margaret MacMillan, C.C. organized by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences and the University of Regina. In a country like ours, it can be easy to...

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That’s a wrap! Congress 2018 ends in success

From May 26 to June 1, thousands of guests made their way to the University of Regina campus for the 87th Congress of The Humanities and Social Sciences. By all accounts, the event was a tremendous success and further proof that when it comes to...

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Le CRSH présente des documentaires au Congrès 2018

Blogueur invité par David Holton, Le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH) @CRSH_SSHRC #CRSHDocs Pensez à un excellent documentaire. Ça y est? Vous en avez un en tête? Peu importe duquel il s’agit, il y a de fortes chances que des...

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Good Eats

Over the past several years, Regina has experienced an explosion of exciting new pubs and eateries. From popular food trucks, to fine dining featuring local fare, to hip new pubs, there’s no shortage of places to satisfy your appetite or quench your...

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Gabriel Miller addresses March for Science 2018

Speech made at the March for Science in Toronto on April 14, 2018 Thank you. It’s wonderful to be here with you marching for knowledge, for evidence, and for science! And I want to thank the organizers. Thank you for all the hard work that you put...

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Le CRSH souligne 40 ans d’idées, de talent et de diversité

Blogueur invité par Le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH) Le Congrès 2018 coïncidant avec son 40 e anniversaire, le CRSH est heureux d’y présenter quelques excellentes activités. Le concours J'ai une histoire à raconter permettra...