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Why gender still matters in politics

Brenda O'Neill, University of Calgary Guest Contributor It’s safe to say that the issue of ‘women in politics’ no longer generates the attention that it once did. The 1984 leaders’ debate between John Turner (Liberal), Brian Mulroney (Progressive...

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Children Matter: Equity and childcare on campus

Susan Prentice, University of Manitoba Guest Contributor Photo courtesy myfear on Flickr. Childcare politics are again a hot issue on Canadian campuses. In late November, a coalition of faculty, students and staff dissuaded the University of Victoria...

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"Haitians...you are not alone"

Malinda S. Smith, vice-president Equity Issues This photo shows Haiti's Presidential Palace, which collapsed during the earthquake of Jan. 12. Photo courtesy M Eriksson on Flickr. There is a saying in Haiti, Tonia Dyer tells us, “When the nose is hit...

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Yaffle your way to collaborative research?

Ryan Saxby Hill, Media Relations Ever had a tough problem that you wished you could run past an eminent expert in the field? Do you have a big question that might benefit from interdisciplinary collaboration? Sometimes the first problem is locating...