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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

A Digital Commons for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Congress 2022 “We are facing the cultural equivalent of the climate crisis; it is a slow collapse of the system of words and images we use to talk to each other and understand our world, and it has made vulnerable populations even more vulnerable.”...

Using the Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences Commons: An Interactive Workshop
Research has changed in the digital age. The HSS repository reflects this reality, as it stores many different types of media — including podcasts, videos, and computer code — not just journals and books.

Civilizing the State: Reclaiming Politics for the Common Good
Congress 2022 Due to some early technical difficulties, John Restakis literally required no introduction. Restakis, former Executive Director of the Community Evolution Foundation, presented his findings on new forms of governance that deliver...

The Human Factor Podcast: Gabriel Miller
Gabriel Miller is the President and CEO of the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. He joins Cheryl Croucher on The Human Factor, a podcast that puts the social in science.

Lancement d’un agora numérique pour les sciences humaines
À l’approche du Congrès 2022, il convient de s’interroger sur les significations multiples du mot « congrès », qui peut à la fois désigner le lieu où des personnes se rencontrent et l’acte de se réunir. Pour plusieurs, la pandémie de COVID-19 a...

Susciter le changement par la sociologie au Congrès 2022
Au Congrès 2022, les sociologues sont invité.e.s à réfléchir à la manière dont la pandémie a mis en lumière les inégalités inhérentes aux structures sociales et institutions actuelles et à la manière d'avancer vers des sociétés justes, démocratiques...

Becoming Your Own Best Critic: How to Edit Your Own Work (en anglais)
Congress 2021 blog edition By Valerie Leow, J.D. Candidate, University of Alberta Many of you are likely familiar with the difficulties of editing your own writing. When reading over your own work, your brain has a tendency to make sense of what you...

Weaving Strong Cultural and Community Identity: Multimedia Exhibits on Canada’s Northern and Indigenous Communities
Congress 2021 blog edition By Valerie Leow, J.D. Candidate, University of Alberta Organized by the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Education, “Learning in Northern Communities, Cultures, and Places: A Multimedia Interactive Gathering with the...

The value of connection: work-from-home reflections on World Telecommunication and Internet Society day
Guest blog by Fenwick McKelvey, Associate Professor in Information and Communication Technology Policy in the Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University. Here in Montreal, the pandemic coincided with an unusually cold spring, so my...