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Asking the hard questions on the nature of care in social work
The Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences brings together leading thinkers, academics, researchers, policy-makers and innovators to explore some of the world’s most challenging issues. Congress celebrates the vitality and quality of Canadian...

Wendy Robbins : Surmonter la colère et l’apathie pour unir nos forces et passer à l’action
Louise Forsyth, blogueuse invitée et professeure émérite au Département d’études féministes et de genre à l’Université de la Saskatchewan, en collaboration avec Jennifer Brayton, sociologue à l’Université Ryerson et modératrice du réseau PAR-L Louise...

Une étudiante étrangère explore le bien-être des jeunes autochtones à l’aide des arts et de la culture
Blogue par Robyn Dugas, Spécialiste de contenu, Mitacs Jessica Blain était une étudiante en troisième année du premier cycle de l’Université Australia à Sydney. Par un Stage de recherche Mitacs Globalink à l’Université Concordia, elle a aidé à...

Les femmes Patriotes : des correspondantes politisées
Il existait au 19 e siècle une frontière très nette entre la sphère du privé – une sphère domestique habitée essentiellement par les femmes – et la vie publique, un domaine d’affaires et de politique surtout masculin. Un nouveau livre par Mylène...

Where Are Women Safe? Some Thoughts on International Women’s Day
*Below is an excerpt from a talk prepared as the Distinguished Guest Speaker at the University of Waterloo’s 2017 International Women’s Day Dinner. November 9, 2016: The morning after Donald J. Trump is elected President of the United States of...

Big Thinking speaker calls for compromise in the debate over trade and food security
Caleb Snider, Congress 2016 student blogger In the final installment of the Big Thinking lecture series at this year’s Congress, Professor Jennifer Clapp (University of Waterloo) called for an end to polarization and the beginning of compromise and...

Panel describes how Bill C-14 fails to conform to the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision to decriminalize medical assistance in dying
Caleb Snider, Congress 2016 student blogger “This is the Alps of ethics; there are slippery slopes as far as the eye can see.” I can’t think of a better way to describe the issues discussed in “The future of end-of-life decision-making in Canada,” a...

Eugenics and its modern world implications
Imagine having no agency over your reproductive decisions. Imagine that those around you believe that you are not capable of making decisions for yourself and your future. Now, imagine a society in which your body is policed to the point where...

At the intersections of queer and youth, there is no single story
The Congress 2016 roundtable hosted by the Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English (ACCUTE) and the Association for Research in Cultures of Young People (ARCYP) on May 31st entitled At the Intersections of Queer and Youth...