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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

Language plays a key role in inclusivity
This year at Congress, the Federation hosted a four-part series dedicated to equity issues, which included the following sessions: Challenging casual homophobia in schools, sports, and society Sochi and beyond: Russia's anti-gay legislation, human...

The towers in the world, the worlds in the towers
Samara Bissonnette HIGHRISE. An incredibly modern, collaborative, inspiring digital project connecting voices from high rise buildings all over the world. These big concrete mammoths of architecture are "containers of human experience", and this...

Challenging casual homophobia
Liz Smith How often do you hear “That’s so gay”? What about “faggot”, “dyke”, and “queer”? Here’s a less comfortable question: how often do you yourself use these words? While terms like these permeate our language, they are seldom challenged let...

Promesses remplies
Regard sur l’héritage de milliers d’esclaves noirs qui ont fui au Canada dans les années 1800 Laura Czekaj, Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation Rendez-vous sur pour consulter des histoires de recherches en sciences sociales et...

Adrien Arcand et la propagande antisémite
Par Daniel Drolet Le journaliste canadien Adrien Arcand aurait largement contribué à la montée internationale du négationnisme, le mouvement qui remet en cause l’Holocauste. En fait, selon Hugues Théorêt, auteur du livre Les chemises bleues : Adrien...

Rethinking hate crimes: The hard work of creating social equity
Lucas Crawford and Robert Nichols, University of Alberta Guest Contributors Monday, May 10th was Alberta’s inaugural ‘Hate Crimes Awareness Day,’ an event that raised more questions than answers. Offered as an opportunity to ‘celebrate’ the successes...

The Humanities: Relationships with others and with the world are essential to freedom
Susan Babbitt, Queen’s University Guest Contributor “Humanities” refers to human beings and to the human condition. In the Humanities we raise questions about what it means to be human. But, at least in my discipline of Philosophy, we teach mostly...

Addressing racism: Toward equity and diversity in higher education
Grace-Edward Galabuzi, Ryerson University Guest Contributor Last month, a study conducted by Statistics Canada for Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Canadian Heritage and Human Resources and Skills Development Canada entitled Projections of the...

Anti-Racism: Is there a university responsibility?
Carol Tator, York University Guest Contributor “Who are we in the university…? What do we represent? Whom do we represent? Are we responsible? For what and to whom? If there is a university responsibility, it at least begins with the moment when a...