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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

Language plays a key role in inclusivity
This year at Congress, the Federation hosted a four-part series dedicated to equity issues, which included the following sessions: Challenging casual homophobia in schools, sports, and society Sochi and beyond: Russia's anti-gay legislation, human...

SSH News: Congress 2014 highlights, Skills for the Future, Humanités numériques 2015
This week, the Federation released a short publication featuring the many highlights from this year’s Congress at Brock University. Be sure to check it out online in either English or French! Also this week, Skills for the Future was hosted by...

Les faits saillants du Congrès 2014
La Fédération des sciences humaines est fière d’avoir organisé son 83 e Congrès, le plus important rendez-vous du savoir à caractère multidisciplinaire au Canada – il s’agit en réalité de l’un des plus grands événements de ce genre dans le monde. On...

SSH News: Reported earnings by degree, SSH research matters, Ideas can… bubbles, Digital Humanities 2014 conference
Two contradicting articles this week report on the earnings of humanities and social sciences graduates. On one hand, the Globe and Mail reports positively that BA grads have better pay, more career options while Maclean’s magazine suggests that a...

Les idées peuvent... rester !
Année après année, le Congrès donne l’occasion de nouer des liens enrichissants entre les chercheurs et la communauté au sens large. Le titre d’appel de la Fédération « Les idées peuvent... » nous invite à approfondir ces relations par le partage, le...

SSH News: ASPP and liberal arts degrees in the news
The Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP) is a competitive funding program designed to assist with the publication of scholarly books on topics in the humanities and social sciences. Through this program, the Federation tangibly supports...

Congress Expo: First impressions last forever
Jessica Clark, with contributions from Emily Rothwell, Christina Vecchiato, and Aleks Wrobel I still remember the first time I participated in Congress Expo. It was 2008, and I was exhibiting with the University of Ottawa Press. Congress was at the...

La génomique pour nourrir l’avenir
Karine Morin, Directrice, Programme GE3LS national, Génome Canada Génome Canada a lancé un appel de demandes pour son Concours 2014 : Projets de recherche appliquée à grande échelle – La génomique pour nourrir l’avenir. Le concours vise à financer...

SSH News: Big Thinking at Congress, Genomics and Feeding the Future, Status of the humanities
Couldn't make it all the way out to St. Catharines this year? Didn't get a chance to catch every Big Thinking speaker while at Congress? Don't fret! We have high quality videos of each lecture available for viewing online. In addition to watching the...