Événements ouverts

Beyond The Code: Unpacking Generative AI’s Impact on Writing and Bias

Laura Allen, York University
Congress virtual platform
With financial support from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences’ Open Programming Fund
Cet événement est entièrement virtuel et n'aura pas lieu en personne

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to shape our experiences within and outside of academic spaces. Thus, unraveling bias in AI-driven writing tools becomes not just an academic pursuit, but a crucial step towards safeguarding the authenticity and inclusivity of our collective stories.

This talk is for writing teachers and researchers who are eager to stay abreast of the rapidly evolving AI technologies and their implications on biases related to race, gender, class, and disability. This speaker will foster a communal exploration of how generative AI shapes writing practices beyond the code, encouraging an exchange of ideas between scholars, students, community members, and industry experts. The session will be a convergence point for practical strategies, scholarly insights, and real-world implications, all geared towards preparing for an inclusive and critically aware academic writing environment in Fall 2024. This approach underlines the belief that understanding and addressing AI-induced biases in writing is not a solitary endeavor but a collective social justice journey, enriching the educational landscape through shared wisdom and collaborative effort.

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