Webinar: Publishing with The Conversation

28 mars 2018

Publishing with The Conversation

Webinar for members

The Conversation Canada is a new digital publication that brings together the expertise of academia and journalism, where all of the authors are from Canadian universities. The Conversation works with professional journalists to expose academic research to a wider audience, a model that serves as a "knowledge mobilization" vehicle for academics who want to raise their profiles and share their expertise across Canada and around the world. Editor Scott White explained the model and give a live demonstration of how academic authors get access to detailed publishing analytics.

Scott White, Editor, The Conversation Canada

Nicola Katz, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences


George Brown College and Federation logos


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Photo de Lisa Brunner et Karine Morin. Le texte lit : "Naviguer le lien entre l'immigration et l'éducation au Canada"

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