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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

The complexity of poverty in Canada
This blog post marks the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17. For more information about this day, go here. Over the past 40 years poverty in Canada has become increasingly complex, racialized and often...

La connaissance importe dans notre élection
Joan Sangster, présidente, Société historique du Canada et Stephen Toope, président, Fédération des sciences humaines À la suite de cinq débats télévisés des chefs à l’occasion des élections fédérales canadiennes de 2015, Joan Sangster, présidente de...

75 années d’histoire de la Fédération révélées
Robert Blades et Thomas Berton, Carleton University Mais comment parvient-on donc à éplucher des centaines de boîtes d’archives où s’entassent pêle-mêle lettres, procès-verbaux de réunion, notes de conférence, photos, questionnaires, documents...

We Are Coming Home: Repatriation and the Restoration of Blackfoot Cultural Confidence
Submitted by Robert R. Janes We Are Coming Home: Repatriation and the Restoration of Blackfoot Cultural Confidence (Athabasca University Press) is an unusual book in the museum world – not only because it’s about the unconditional return of sacred...

Lunch-Bucket Lives: Remaking the Workers' City
Craig Heron, professor of history at York University Hamilton is an iconic city in Canada. For generations, it has been the quintessential factory town, a status confirmed by the view of fire-spewing, smoke-belching Dark Satanic Mills from the...

The Utility of History: Perspectives on International Development
Don’t say history doesn’t have the power to change the future. At Congress 2015, Historians of Humanitarian Aid held a panel on the "utility of history" in today’s development in the Global South. Jill Campbell-Miller of St. Mary’s University...

Roundtable: Working in Public History
The work of public historians can take many different forms, some quite unexpected. A roundtable discussion at Congress 2015 focused on the different roles that public historians take in their work. Jennifer Anderson of Library and Archives Canada...

Reconciling multiculturalism
Canada is often viewed as a diverse, welcoming nation comprised of immigrants from around the world, a reputation built on the embracing of “multiculturalism” as an approach to immigration and citizenship. Emerging as a policy framework in 1971, the...

Technological Unemployment and the Future of Work
What world can we imagine in 20, 30, even 50 years in the future? How rapid will technology advance and how do we develop policy to match the speed of development? How many times will my job description change? What do we do when machine intelligence...