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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

Saying "yes" to women experts: Informed Opinions advances women's expertise during a time of increased inequality
Lily Polowin, Digital Communications Officer at the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences You may have read the headlines: women with children have been getting pushed out of the workforce due to childcare demands during the pandemic...

Le confinement comme prétexte politique
L’année 2019 s’est refermée sur une crise sanitaire d’ampleur mondiale qui augure des lendemains sombres du premier semestre 2020. En effet, commencée dans la Wuhan comme épidémie le 17 Novembre 2019, le coronavirus deviendra très vite une pandémie...

Exhausted? Slow Down and Listen (to Disabled Wisdom)
Guest blog by Erika Katzman, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.), and Assistant Professor of Disability Studies at King’s University College at Western University. When I met Gini* five years ago, I was surprised to learn that she doesn’t get any extra break time at...

Emma Donoghue: “We’re relying on the arts more than ever.”
Lily Polowin, Digital Communications Officer at the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences On Tuesday, June 2, we’re very excited to be presenting, along with the Association for College and University Teachers of English (ACCUTE), the...

Accessibility on the Fringes in a Time of Crisis
Guest blog by James Deaville, professor and musicologist at Carleton University. Post-secondary institutions have responded with alacrity to the needs of undergraduate students, whose lives and studies have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic...

Nostalgia as medicine: Music and resilience during COVID-19 in Iran
Guest blog by Siavash Rokni, a teacher, researcher, musician and doctoral candidate in communication at UQAM. I am an Iranian-Canadian-Quebecois doctoral candidate in Communication and lecturer in History of Communication at Université de Québec à...

Narration et force: voix du théâtre autochtone du Canada
All of this year’s Big Thinking events consider how the arts function as a platform to engage with scholarship in the humanities and social sciences. Organizers were inspired by three big questions: Who speaks for whom? Whose stories get told? And...

Esi Edugyan: Making space for convergences of disparate ideas or unlikely connections
Mandy Len Catron, Congress 2019 guest blogger At Congress 2019, the Big Thinking lecture series considers how the arts function as a platform to engage with scholarship in the humanities and social sciences. Organizers were inspired by three big...

Entretien avec Esi Edugyan
Esi Edugyan, deux fois lauréate du prix Giller, parle de ses œuvres de fiction, des questions de race, d’histoire, de voix et de créativité, et de la notion de liberté avec Prof. Minelle Mahtani.